Learn the latest about space weather and solar activity in a new online course at St Petersburg University
There are phenomena in outer space that can have a significant impact on the environment of our planet and can pose serious dangers. You can learn more about these processes in a new online course at St Petersburg University ‘Space Weather: An Assessment of Its Impact on Our Environment’.
Space Weather: An Assessment of Its Impact on Our Environment
Its authors will explain how space weather affects the Earth’s atmosphere and climate, what changes are occurring right now, and what the risks are for all of humanity. Learners will study questions of current importance in solar-terrestrial physics and will be able to apply what they learn to research in the assessment of different processes.
The structure of the Earth’s atmosphere, solar radiation activity, the depletion of the ozone layer, the magnetosphere and geomagnetic storms — these topics and many more are taken up in the course. Thus, learners will become familiar with the diverse sources and energies of particles that are released into the Earth’s atmosphere and find out about processes of ionisation by protons in galactic cosmic rays.
The programme encompasses the key features of solar activity and topics that illustrate current observations.
The online course ‘Space Weather: An Assessment of Its Impact on Our Environment’ is accessible on the Open Education platform, and you can register right now. Join us at St Petersburg University as we investigate the weather in outer space.