Independent aspirantura studies is an affiliation of a person to St Petersburg University for up to three years to prepare a doctoral dissertation without being a student of aspirantura (adjunctura, i.e. a military aspirantura) programmes. This form of work provides an opportunity to prepare a doctoral dissertation under the guidance of one of the leading scientists of St Petersburg University and access to the cutting-edge scientific infrastructure of St Petersburg University (the SPbU Research Park, M. Gorky Scientific Library of SPbU, The St Petersburg University Research Repository and a lot more).
How to apply for independent aspirantura studies?
Specialists from SPbU Office for Research Projects will be pleased to help you with any questions you may have regarding your application for independent aspirantura studies. They will help you to fill the necessary documentation and, in general, will provide consulting support throughout the entire period of the application for independent aspirantura studies from submitting an application to gaining access to SPbU resources.