Applied Physics and Mathematics
03.04.01 In Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
Programme description
- The master’s programme ‘Applied Physics and Mathematics’ focuses on fundamental training in physics and mathematics combined with extensive knowledge and skills in modern computer technology. During training, students gain practical experience with advanced software; master cutting-edge computing and information technologies and modern programming languages; and learn advanced computing systems and platforms based on parallel and distributed computing technologies.
- Fundamental training of students in physics is combined with their practical work on state-of-the-art scientific equipment in the research laboratories and resource centres of the St Petersburg University Research Park.
- Graduates of the programme will be able to combine research, production and engineering activities to develop knowledge-intensive technologies and put innovative and engineering ideas into practice.
Main courses
- Machine Learning and Data Analysis in Physics
- Artificial Intelligence in Data Analysis Problems
- Modern Programming Technologies in Scientific Research
- Java Programming
- Fundamentals of Programming on Quantum Computing Devices
- Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems
- Methods for Solving Spectral and Evolution Problems in Quantum Physics
- Computer Simulation for Analysing Magnetic Resonance Data
- Numerical Models of Geophysical Dynamics and Optics
- Laser Cooling and Bose-Einstein Condensate
- Semiconductor Nanostructure Technology
- Scientific Seminar
- Graduation Project Seminar
Our advantages
- Students receive fundamental knowledge of physics, mathematics, applied mathematics, and professional programming in modern programming languages.
- They master state-of-the-art tools of parallel and distributed computing technologies.
- Fundamental training is combined with practical work in educational and scientific laboratories using the most advanced physical equipment of the resource centres of the St Petersburg University Research Park.
- Cutting-edge computing, information technology and computer tools are used in teaching and research.
Main areas of research
- Computational physics
- Electron-ion processes in fluids
- Magnetic resonance and tomography
- Nanobiophysics
- Optics of semiconductor nanostructures and nanotechnology
- Laser physics and quantum optics
- Physics of the ocean and atmosphere
- Physical fundamentals of diagnostic assessment of functional materials
International relations
- California State University, Long Beach (the USA)
- Stockholm University (Sweden)
- Université Paul Sabatier (France)
- Leibnitz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (Germany)
- Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
- Jagiellonian University (Poland)
- Leibnitz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (Germany)
- Turku University (Finland)
- Dresden University of Technology (Germany)
- Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
- University of Caen (France)
- Helsinki University (Finland)
- Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam (Germany)
Career opportunities
The graduates can work at universities and research centres, industry-specific research organisations, R&D companies and IT companies.
- Specialist in computer-aided design of technological processes
- IT specialist in contemporary physics experiment
- Physicist-researcher
- Software engineer
- Programmer
- Analyst
- Design engineer
The programme is internationally accredited by the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK), the Certificate dated 30 May 2018.