German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Dialogue / Deutsch als Fremdsprache als Kulturdialog
45.04.02 In German
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
The master’s programme ‘German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Dialogue / Deutsch als Fremdsprache als Kulturdialog’ makes it possible to acquire the practical competences needed to work in the field of education at the intersection of German and Russian linguistic cultures. The programme is unique in that it provides practical, interactive and interdisciplinary teaching. The training process is aimed at teaching students to: understand objectively existing socio-cultural differences; take them into account when teaching German as a foreign language; and be well-versed in different spheres of German-speaking culture. The language of instruction is German.
- The aim of this academic programme is to study the phenomena of intercultural communication between representatives of German and Russian culture in relation to the needs of teaching German as a foreign language and ensure a high level of intercultural competence of future experts involved in language and intercultural education
- The programme trains master’s students whose professional activities will involve linguistics; language and linguistic education; culture; and management. Graduates of the programme are ready for successful professional activities as teachers of German as a foreign language in the system of additional education, centres of German language and culture and higher education. Additionally, graduates can succeed in professional activities as experts in intercultural communication and mediation and philologists in scientific and publishing spheres
- The programme is designed for graduates from bachelor’s programmes who are interested in the issues of intercultural communication, and speak German at a level not lower than B2 + CEFR
- German as a Foreign Language: A Propaedeutic Course for Master’s Students
- Programme Requirements and Lesson Planning
- Professional Competences of a German Teacher and Lesson Planning
- Teaching Materials and Multi-Media Training Tools: Design and Use
- Linguistic Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication
- German and Russian Idioms in the Dialogue of Cultures
- Introduction to History of German Theatre and Cinema
- History of Germany in German Literature
- History of German Culture
- Translation Problems in Interlingual Communication
- Graduates of the programme are capable of: organising and delivering German language classes in higher, secondary and further education institutions; and organising extra-curricular activities in the German language for students
- Graduates also have competence in intercultural communication with native German speakers
- They are also capable of studying problems of: intercultural mediation and cultural transfer; and theory and practice of teaching German as a foreign language. They can competently develop new fields of study in these areas of knowledge
- They are capable of conducting workshops on intercultural collaboration with native German speakers
- The programme includes delivering uniquely designed courses
- The courses are taught in German and include sessions with native speakers
- Master’s students have an opportunity to study at partner institutions
- Cultural transfer and cultural mediation in teaching German as a foreign language
- Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) of German as a foreign language and its linguodidactic principles
- Linguodidactic potential of multimedia technologies in teaching German as a foreign language
- Linguodidactic principles of organising extracurricular activities for students and students’ self-study
- The programme has been designed in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut
- Master’s students have an opportunity to participate in: the annual inter-university competition (student exchange within the framework of inter-university cooperation: the Universities of Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Greifswald, Jena, Kiel, Paderborn, Frankfurt (Oder), Erfurt); and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) competition programme
Academic partners
- Trier University (Germany)
- Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
- Helmut-Schmidt-Universität (Hamburg, Germany)
Graduates of the programme can work as teachers at universities, secondary schools and upper secondary schools, German cultural centres, and language schools. They can also work as experts in intercultural communication.