Mathematical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
In Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
"Mathematical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" programme trains qualified and competitive specialists capable to conduct theoretical and applied research in current sectors for technological, scientific and economic development of the Russian Federation, such as robotisation, digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence technologies, with a focus on gaining of leading positions of the Russian Federation in these sectors.
The programme is aimed at students looking for a balanced study of in-depth fundamental mathematics and current applied fields. Special attention is paid to formation and development of students’ skills in research activities, creative algorithmic programming, designing of knowledge intensive software products, development of innovative computer technologies in the current and perspective areas of robotisation and application of Artificial Intelligence systems based on modern achievements in theoretical and applied mathematics. The programme is most suitable for undergraduates who have completed following educational programmes for enlarged groups of specialties: "Mathematics and Mechanics", "Computer and Information Sciences". The "Mathematical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" programme will be also of interest to the undergraduates who have completed "Physics", "Mathematics", "Informatics", "Engineering Science" programmes.
- Mathematical Fundamentals for Robotics
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Algorithmic Fundamentals of Robotics
- Mathematical Modelling of Cybernetic and Robotic Systems
- Stochastic Programming
- Autonomous Navigation and Motion Control of Robots
- Mathematical Modelling for Signal Processing
- Computer Vision Algorithms
- Nonlinear Optimization
- Non-all-wheel Drive Robots Steering
- Self-adapting Systems and Its Applications in Cybernetics and Robotics
- Multiagent Technologies
- Artificial Neural Networks and Big Data Processing
- Applied Robotics
- Robot Programming
- Control Methods for Multiagent Robotic Systems
- Frequency Analysis Methods for Nonlinear Systems
- The programme aims at training of qualified specialists in creating mathematical models of complex robotic systems and developing of software products based on these models, which, among other things, allow computers or computer clusters to perform decision-making tasks inherent in human beings or other living systems
- The entire block of disciplines is aimed at developing of student’s competencies in the field of mathematical modelling of robots: empowered by elements of natural intelligence in addition to traditional approaches of tasks performance, capable to, for example, use past experience to make decisions, compare possible alternatives, and evaluate its optimality, i.e. endowed with a number of characteristics inherent in living systems. A feature of the control systems development is an opportunity to create complex systems with a hierarchical structure, when traditional methods or artificial intelligence algorithms for robot control systems can be applied both together and separately. For example, these methods can be applied together in the planning phase of a given task in order to compare results and make an optimal choice
- Acquired theoretical skills and machine learning principles will allow graduates to develop robots and complex control systems to perform specific technological tasks. The programme aims to train specialists in research, project, teaching, management activities. The "Mathematical Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" programme provides practical training that develop creative and professional competencies in the field of robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Students undergo practical training in partner organisations that are specialising in the development of robotic and control systems for mobile objects. "Special Technology Centre" company, working in the field of development and implementation of robotic systems and AI, is one of the main industrial partners of SPbU
- "MIR" company is also one of the industrial partners of St Petersburg University, which has much experience in search and practical implementation of scientific developments. St Petersburg University provides students with well-developed infrastructure for students’ research activities, including information and library services, laboratory equipment
The main areas of research include: mathematical models of complex systems (theory, algorithms, and applications); intelligent systems; programmes; software systems and complexes; methods of their development and implementation; and methods of their production, maintenance, operation and administration in various fields, including interdisciplinary ones. The professional activity of graduates focuses on: simulation models of complex control processes; software tools; and administration of computing and information processes.
- Research and development specialist
- Programmer
- Systems Analyst
- Application Integrator
- Software Architect