Visual Technology in Museums
51.04.04 In Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
Programme description
- Museums are one of the fastest growing fields of culture. The practices of domestic and foreign museums strongly suggest that, despite the existing diversity of forms of cultural existence of monuments, many tasks for their study and protection remain unaddressed
- Advances in communication and information, and modern modes of social relations now make it possible to explore new horizons in museum work, based on a philosophical and cultural approach to the preservation of cultural heritage objects
- The top priority is to train competitive specialists in modern museum practices for the conservation, use and popularisation of museum collections
- This academic programme is in line with contemporary social and political priorities in Russia and opens four ways for graduates to implement their knowledge and skills: research and practical activities in museum studies; project activities in museums and galleries; museumification and revision of historical and cultural objects using information and visual technologies; and management in the field of culture
Main courses
- History and Philosophy of Science
- Theory of Exhibition Design
- Theory and Methodology of Studying Culture
- Research Project
- Theory of Visual Culture
- Computer Reconstruction Technology
- Digital Cultural Heritage
- Museums of Modern Art
- Modern Exhibition Process and Curatorial Projects
- Modern Culture and the Methodology of Its Research
- Foreign Language for Professional Communication
- Cognitive Psychology
- Intercultural Communication: History and Theory
- Exhibition Methods of Memorial and History Museums
- Museum Design Techniques
- Current Issues in Perception of a Museum Object
- Current Issues in Iconography
- Media Culture: Theory, Practice and Technologies
- Photography as a Type of Media
Our advantages
- Students master cutting-edge methods for analysing and storing scientific information in the museum
- Students create scientific concepts for exhibition and display projects
- Students gain skills of putting their knowledge into practice in the field of museum and exhibition, and museum and educational activities
- Students gain skills of putting their knowledge into practice in the field of audiovisual production in various museums and other cultural institutions
- The programme has its academic site for practical training — the "Museum Quarter/St Petersburg" inter-museum project
- Graduates of the programme are potentially much-in-demand in the labour market, both in Russia and abroad — 70% of graduates are fully functional in top city museums
Main areas of research
- The phenomenon of the virtual museum
- Methods of visualisation of museum and tourist activities
- Museum design as a way of building the image and ‘language’ of the exhibit
- Communication of visitors and contemporary art in the museum space
- Museum and its visitors
- Information technology in museum exhibit
International relations
- Belarusian State University
- Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
- The University of Passau
- The University of Southern Denmark, the Faculty of Humanities
- Tianjin Normal University
- Collegium Civitas
- Charles University
- The University of Ostrava
- Hiroshima City University
Practical training and career opportunities
Organisations where our graduates work
- museums and museum-type institutions, art galleries (state, public, industry-sponsored, and private ones)
- academic institutions and other research centres, other cultural organisations and institutions; international research organisations and academic centres related to the study, preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage
- higher educational institutions, general secondary schools and vocational schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums
- historical and humanitarian editorial offices and publishing houses (academic and popular science ones)
- the media including electronic and network
- tourist and excursion organisations
- Senior research associate
- Museum custodian
- Curator
- Employee of the exhibition department
- Museum educator
- PR officer