Advertising and Public Relations
42.03.01 In English and Russian
Level of education Bachelor
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 4 years
Programme description
- The academic programme is designed to train bachelor’s students in the field of communication, who will be capable of analysing the state of the media space and influencing information flows
- The bachelor’s programme ‘Advertising and Public Relations’ is implemented in accordance with professional standards developed by employers' associations in advertising and public relations
- The academic programme includes a set of courses that are designed to provide students with professional competencies to enable them to be fully functional in advertising and public relations. They can work for large companies, communication agencies, government agencies and municipalities, social and cultural organisations, and political parties
Main courses
- Introduction to Communication Professions
- Interpersonal and Business Communications
- Telecommunication and Computer Technologies in Advertising and PR
- Digital Communications
- Advertising and Public Relations Psychology
- Media Planning
- Information Technology and Databases in Applied Communications
- Fundamentals of Project Management in Advertising and Public Relations
- Theory and Practice of Advertising
- Theory and Practice of PR
- Communication Practicum
- Legal and Ethical Regulations of Public Relations and Advertising
- Mass Media Theory and Practice
- Russian Media Landscape (in English)
- Organisation and Realisation of Communication Campaigns
- Speech Communication in Public Relations and Advertising
- Marketing Research in Advertising and PR
The programme has professional and public accreditation from the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR), the Certificate dated 6 July 2017.
Our advantages
- The academic programme provides: fundamental knowledge of communication and the communication process; and the features of the activities of an advertiser and PR specialist in various spheres of society. Students get acquainted with creative techniques for solving communication problems and the latest communication technologies; and they master effective methods of influencing the target audience.
- An integral part of the programme is close relations with employers. They take part in conducting classes, giving master classes, and working in state examination commissions. This training system helps students to find easily places for practical training and to find employment.
- The programme teaching staff are committed to the principle of continuing education: graduates from the bachelor's programme can enter the master's programme in the range of profiles of the ‘Advertising and Public Relations’ programme.
- St Petersburg University is the only university in Russia which has a doctoral programme in advertising and public relations. It indicates the high-class qualification of the faculty and impressive research base that undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students can use in their activities.
- The academic programme is implemented taking into account the projects with professional standards developed by the associations of employers in the field of advertising and public relations. These are the Russian Association of Public Relations, and the Russian Association of Communication Agencies. It also considers the requirements of individual employers for graduates of this programme.
Graduates of the programme:
- know an algorithm for creating an image matrix and are able to use it to position a company / organisation and its head offline and online
- are able to take part in the development and implementation of a communication strategy
- have the skills to be well-reasoned in writing and orally
- are able to hold debates and react against hostile rhetoric
- know a methodology for expert evaluation of the effectiveness of using communicative technologies.
Сareer opportunities
Graduates are trained for a career in advertising, communication and PR agencies, PR departments and press services of business entities — enterprises, organisations, large, medium and small companies, as well as PR departments and press services of governmental agencies, political parties, fractions in representative bodies and public organisations.