The Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science was established at St Petersburg University to: consolidate and develop the activities of individual employees and research teams in the field of research, education, scientific and organisational events, grant competitions; as well as promote expertise and analysis in the field of development of artificial intelligence technologies and data science.
The team of the centre is working to expand interaction of St Petersburg University with Russian-based and international academic and industrial partners in the field of artificial intelligence and data science. That includes participation of St Petersburg University in the St Petersburg Scientific and Educational Centre ’Artificial Intelligence in Industry’.
The Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is a supervisor of a subsidy-based grant project aimed at: the development of bachelor’s and master’s programmes in artificial intelligence; and advanced training of teaching staff of higher education institutions in the field of artificial intelligence. The grant application was prepared and received by St Petersburg University with the active participation of the Centre. The grant funding is 34 million roubles.