Obstetrics and Gynaecology
In Russian
Level of education Doctoral
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 3 years
The programme is aimed at fundamental and comprehensive training of high-calibre academic staff for medical science, medical education and healthcare in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. Students acquire in-depth knowledge of: the structure, physiological mechanisms of regulation of reproductive behaviour and performance of female reproductive functions; the pathogenesis of obstetric, perinatal and reproductively significant diseases; and the most frequently used advanced high-tech methods and methods of information processing and mathematical modelling of obstetric and reproductive status. They also master the skills required in planning and conducting experimental studies.
The aspirantura programme is designed to develop the skills of scientific inquiries and abilities to conduct research projects (independent setting of tasks of scientific research in the field of obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive medicine, planning, conducting and presentation of its results). Students also master cutting-edge research methods and techniques in their area of specialisation and develop academic skills.