Macromolecular Compounds
In Russian
Level of education Doctoral
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 4 years
Programme description
The programme is aimed at comprehensive and high-quality training of academic staff in the following areas:
- Molecular design and synthesis of new monomers, polymers and macromolecular systems
- Molecular physics of polymer chains, their configurations and conformations, sizes and shapes of macromolecules, mass-molecular distribution of polymers
- Development of new and improvement of existing methods of polymer synthesis, investigation of polymerisation processes and mechanisms
- Catalysis in polymer chemistry, development of polymeric materials with new functions and intelligent structures based on them, for application in various branches of science and technology
- Chemical transformations of polymers
- Study of self-organisation processes of polymers and macromolecular systems, design of self-organising polymers to create new functional materials for various purposes, study of molecular and supramolecular structure of bioorganic polymers
- Identification of the specific factors that cause their self-organisation and extension of the found regularities to the field of synthetic polymers
- Development and verification of model ideas about the behaviour of polymers and multicomponent polymer systems in solution and condensed state
- Improvement of existing and development of new methods for studying the structure and physico-chemical properties of polymers in different states
- Essential features and physical properties of linear, branched, including hyperbranched, and cross-linked polymers, their configuration (at the link, chain, link attachment, and block attachment levels) and conformation
- Consideration of the influence of factors determining conformational transitions
- The role of interfacial boundaries
- Supramolecular structure and structural modification of polymers
- Solution of theoretical problems related to modelling of molecular and supramolecular structure of oligomers, polymers and copolymers in solutions, melts and polymer solids in amorphous, semi-crystalline and crystalline states
- Development of model representations of polymer and polymer blends with functional ingredients and their applications
- Physical states and phase transitions in high molecular weight compounds; and
- Rheology of polymers and composites