European Societies
In English
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
- The "European Societies" programme is aimed at training of highly-qualified specialists capable to analyse actual problems of modern society, such as pressure of globalisation processes, the economic and political interdependence of nations in the international arena, new economic, social and environmental challenges and risks, problems of European integration and EU expansion, rapidly growing migration flows
- The programme opens up possibilities for internship and further employment. St Petersburg University provides unique opportunities for this: scientific and organizational basis of SPbU for conducting empirical sociological research — The Sociological Clinic of Applied Research, Centre for Public Opinion Studies, Centre for Sociological and Internet Research, a large number of experts in all fields of sociology, a wide range of educational and scientific sociological centres and institutes, including international ones, government and business organisations
- The programme is designed to train competent researchers, analysts, specialists with up-to-date knowledge of complex social, political, economic and cultural processes taking place in modern globalising societies, capable to analyse the structure and transformation of European societies in a comparative perspective
The "European Societies" programme provides:
- Creative approach to training using modern educational technologies
- Close relations with international academic community and business organisations
- formation of skills for the development and implementation of highly effective human resource management systems
- skills in applying methods and techniques for studying modern societies
- training for further successful career development
Graduates of the programme are ready to solve current social problems at the regional, national and transnational levels, related to functioning of various models of reproduction of the economy and society, globalisation challenges in European countries, European integration processes, the escalation of social inequalities and growing cultural diversity, as well socio-economic, ethnic and religious tensions in the world.
- Comparative Sociology
- Information Technologies and Methods in Sociology
- Research Methodology and Methods in Sociology
- Cultural Diversity, Public Communication and Policy of Multiculturalism in Modern Europe
- History of Sociology: Classical Foundations of Modern Sociology
- Modern Sociological Theories
- European Labour Markets, Labour Market Performance and Employment Policies
- European Modes of Production and Consumption
- Challenges and Crisis of Welfare Institutions in Western and Eastern Europe
- Cultural and Social Aspects of Globalisation
- Differentiation and Social Inequality in European Countries
- The "European Societies" programme aims to train applicants interested in the processes and changes in modern European societies
- The Master’s programme has been designed by St Petersburg University in collaboration Bielefeld University (Germany) with the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Centre for German and European Studies of St Petersburg University
- The programme is interdisciplinary in nature. It will be of interest to researchers studying modern Europe development, including Europeanisation of politics, transformation of the European market system, changes in social structures, cultural differentiation in Europe and its perception in the world
- Students of the programme regularly take part in research projects of the Centre for German and European Studies of St Petersburg University and other research centres to put into practice gained knowledge within the international team of researchers
- A number of disciplines are taught by foreign teachers, representatives of leading universities in Europe and the world. Undergraduates participate in winter and summer schools organised by international educational and research institutions, and take internships in major research centres and international organizations. Students of the programme have an opportunity to take part in semester-long international academic mobility programmes with internships in leading foreign universities
- The quality of acquired knowledge is in line with international standards for training masters in sociology
- Graduates who wish to continue education at aspirantura programmes in leading Russian universities or at PhD programmes in foreign universities receive appropriate training and recommendations
- After the successful defence, the authors of the best master’s theses will receive invitations to publish their research papers in Russian and foreign scientific journals
- Socio-economic development of European societies
- Transformation of labour markets and forms of employment in Western and Eastern Europe
- The formation and crisis of welfare states in Europe Transformation of identities in Europe
- Migration processes in European countries
- Cultural diversity and cultural (ethnic, religious) conflicts in European countries
- Social inequalities and differentiation in European societies and Oriental countries
- Transformation of political institutions in European countries and development of transnational systems of political governance
- The role of European non-governmental organisations in political and social life
- Public discourses in European countries
- The construction of social problems in European media
- Everyday practices and life worlds in Western and Eastern societies
- Transformation of civil society institutions in a global perspective
- Cross-cultural communication in the era of globalisation
- Gender differentiation and inequalities in globalising societies
- Globalisation of politics, business, science and education
- Formation of global markets and evolution of employment systems
- Development of global networks in the contemporary world
- Religious integration and religious conflict in globalising societies
- Globalisation of consumerism and the formation of consumer societies
Students have an opportunity to participate in academic mobility programmes. The list of partner universities consists of more than 300 leading universities of Europe, America and Asia. Depending on the programme students can apply for scholarship, as well as for accommodation in a dormitory on a fee-paying or free of charge basis. The list of academic mobility programmes is updated annually.
- Bielefeld University (Germany, faculty of social sciences)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- University of Hamburg (Germany, Department of Social Sciences)
- University of Helsinki (Finland, Centre for Philosophy of Social Science)
- University of Applied Labour Studies (HDbA, Germany)
Students have an opportunity to take part in academic mobility programmes in accordance with their research interests within the framework of St Petersburg University agreements with the world’s leading research centres. Cooperation agreements on academic mobility programmes between St Petersburg University and foreign partner universities are available via the link.
The programme is aimed at training highly qualified sociologists capable of working at Russian and international companies and organisations dealing with analytical, consulting, research and educational activities.
- Sociologist
- Anthropologist
- Sociology Research Analyst
- Global Market Research and Public Opinion Specialist
- Expert in sociological expertise
- Specialist consultant in sociological expertise and the application of its findings in sociology and economy
- Research Director
- Project Supervisor
- PR Manager
- HR Manager
- Project manager
- Grants Manager
- Community Manager
- Social Media Analyst
- Specialist for monitoring external environment of an organization
- Teacher of Social Sciences in institutions of higher education
The "European Societies" programme is implemented within the framework of the Agreement № 28-21-486 between St Petersburg University and Bielefeld University (Germany) signed on 1 February 2018.