Game Theory and Operations Research
01.04.02 In English
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
MSc Game Theory and Operations Research provides you with the skills needed to use applied mathematics to problems faced by companies, governments, and other institutions. The graduates will learn to construct and investigate mathematical models of real-life problems using optimization, simulation, and statistics, with specialist software taught during computer lab sessions.
The two-year Master’s degree programme in Game Theory and Operations Research prepares a student for a career in industry, science and education. The programme facilitates learning in modern concepts, techniques and methods in operations research and leads the student to different functional areas of operations research to apply it in a future career.
This is the first programme focused on areas of game theory and operations research in St Petersburg University, which is designed to study in English.
The courses are composed to develop – the analytical, problem-solving and decision-making abilities, the awareness of the socio-economic environment, and the enhancement of knowledge in new areas of mathematics. Possible areas of research applications are different fields of technological research and development, economic activities, particularly in diverse trade negotiations, foreign and domestic investment, multinational pollution planning, market development, joint venture, resource extraction, competitive marketing, regional cooperation, etc.
The Master’s degree programme is designed for students who have relevant Bachelor degrees and wish to continue their education in the field of applied mathematics, game theory and operation research.
Programme Mission
The programme facilitates learning in modern concepts, techniques and methods in the operations research and leads the student to different functional areas of game theory and operations research.
The Master's programme aims to develop exemplary professional researchers and specialists who demonstrate high ethical standards and become an integral part of the applied mathematical community.
The educational programme "Game Theory and Operations Research" was designed to prepare Master's degree students for research and practical activities, which use the application of mathematical methods and computer technologies in various research fields, with particular attention to management problems in the industry, finance, economic and social systems. The educational programme focuses on training specialists in scientific research, analytical work, planning and innovation, industrial, technological and organizational activities. Graduates of the programme work in various fields where the approaches of operation research and mathematical modelling are applied.
- The two-year Master’s degree programme in Game Theory and Operations Research prepares students for a career in industry, science and education
- It is the first programme in English focused on the areas of game theory and operations research at universities of the Russian Federation
- The master’s programme "Game Theory and Operations Research" trains highly qualified specialists for a future career in industry, management, science and education. The academic programme is taught in English. During training, students study: models and methods of operations research; game theory; econometrics and applied statistics; queuing theory; and the use of computer technology in these areas
- The master’s programme is aimed at university graduates with a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree who wish to continue their education in applied mathematics and informatics
- Introduction to Dynamical Systems
- Graphs and Flows in Networks
- Discrete and Probabilistic Models and Stochastic Processes
- Differential Games in Economics
- Artificial Intelligence in Operations Research
- Qualitative Methods of Applied Economic Analysis
- Computer Modelling and Queuing Management
- Cooperative Games
- Logistics and Supply Chains
- Machine Learning
- Finite Dimensional Optimisation Methods
- Pricing Models
- Optimisation, Forecasting and Artificial Intelligence in Industry
- Seminar "Game Theory and Operations Research"
- Network Models and Algorithms
- Stochastic Processes
- Game-Theoretic Models of Economic Competition
- Integer Programming, Transport and Network Models
- Evolutionary Games
- Econometrics. Advanced Level
- Financial mathematics
- Project Management
- Dynamic games
- Applied statistics
- Inventory management
- Operations Research and Theory of Games
- Modern Control Theory
- Statistical Decisions and Econometrics
- Operations research
- Game theory
- Econometrics
- Big Data
- Decision theory
- Queuing theory
- Applied statistics
- Operational analysis of joint ventures
- Pollution and environmental issues
- The Kellogg School of Management (the USA)
- The National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (France)
- HEC Montréal (Canada)
- Qingdao University (China)
- The Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University (Israel)
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (Finland)
- The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)
- The Universidad Anáhuac México (Mexico)
- The Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
- New York University (the USA)
- The University of Barcelona (Spain)
- The University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" (Italy) Bocconi University (Italy)
Graduates are capable of conducting a wide range of analytical, research and teaching activities at research centres, R&D companies, universities and many other organisations, including:
- manufacturing and industrial enterprises of various forms of ownership in the field of strategic information technology
- research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other research institutions
- financial and banking institutions
- enterprises engaged in high technology and innovations
- bodies of state and municipal administration; and
- healthcare institutions
- Expert in research and engineering
- Specialist in R&D organisation and management
- Teacher of professional training, vocational education, and lifelong professional education and training
- Software developer
- Information resource specialist
- Systems analyst