Geoecology: Monitoring, Environmental Management and Environmental Safety
05.04.06 In Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
Programme description
- The master’s programme "Geoecology: Monitoring, Environmental Management and Environmental Safety" is based on the theoretical foundations of ecology, environmental management and environmental safety developed by the St Petersburg University scholarly traditions. Students acquire knowledge and skills of: ground-based and remote geo-environmental monitoring methods; geo-environmental and geo-informational modelling; fundamentals of environmental design principles; identification of environmental risks of project implementation; waste management; implementation of an environmental management system in compliance with ISO standards; and practical application of environmental audit procedures in order to ensure sustainable development
- Much attention is paid to: the organisation of environmental impact assessments of territories, industries and technological projects; the implementation of environmental impact assessment procedures for economic projects; and the environmentally sound management of natural resources in the Arctic zone of Russia
Main courses
- Current Issues in Ecology and Natural Resource Management
- Natural Resource Potential of Russia
- Mathematical and Geoinformation Modelling of Natural System
- Environmental Project Management
- Environmental Design and Payments
- Geoecological Monitoring in Northern Regions
- Environmental Safety and Natural Resource Management in the Russian Arctic
- Forms of Chemical Compounds in the Environment
Our advantages
- ‘Ecology and Nature Management’ is one of the focus areas in research and educational innovative development at St Petersburg University. The solution to problems of ecology and sustainable nature management is considered as the key priority in the concept of the national security of the state. It is also the most important component of the Environmental Doctrine and the Fundamentals of Environmental Policy of the Russian Federation until 2030. Within this framework, in Russia, there is an urgent need for the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of ecology and sustainable nature management.
- Graduates of the programme obtain a profession that is highly demanded in the labour market. They are ready for a wide range of professional activities.
- Practical training is held in many regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, and other foreign countries. It forms part of research expeditions.
- The training includes practical classes in: the teaching and methodological laboratory of geoecological monitoring, equipped with a world-class instrumentation base; the Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute; and resource centres of St Petersburg University.
- Students participate actively in conferences, seminars, symposia, including the annual Great Geographical Festival.
- Students take part in research and project activities supported by Russian and international grants. They publish their research findings in top-rated Russian and international journals. There is also an opportunity to do internships and take part in exchange education programmes in foreign universities.
Main areas of research
- Ground and remote geoecological monitoring of the natural environment
- Geoecological and geoinformation modelling
- Organisation of environmental impact assessment of territories, industries and engineering designs; implementation of the evaluation procedure of the impact of business projects on the environment; environmental hazard identification of project implementation
- Waste management
- Implementation of an environmental management system in compliance with ISO standards, practical application of environmental audit procedures in order to ensure sustainable development
- Geoecology of Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Arctic
International relations
- The University of Stavanger (Norway)
- Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Practical training and career opportunities
Practices at
- The Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
- VNIIOkeangeologia
- State Company "Mineral"
- Kostomuksha Nature Reserve
- St Petersburg Environmental Company
- The Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The graduates can conduct research in the field of environmental protection, sustainable use of natural resources and environmental safety, as well as control and auditing activities including preparation of documentation for environmental impact assessment, various types of project analysis, participation in environmental auditing.
- Geoecologist
- Specialist in industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring
- Specialist in environmental safety
- Environmental manager
- Environmental auditor
- Team leader for industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring