Political Governance and Public Policy
41.04.04 In English
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
The programme is focused on the training of highly qualified analysts, managers and political leaders who will link their careers with the field of public administration and policy, including government agencies, international organisations, business and the non-profit sector. It includes the key and auxiliary disciplines. It aims to develop the practical skills required for analytical, expert, consulting and organisational work in the government and municipal authorities, in the sphere of corporate public policy, and in political parties and civil associations for developing, implementing, and evaluating policies and public programmes
- Budget Policy in Russia (Public Budgeting)
- Business and Interest Groups in Russian Public Policy
- Collaboration and Political Decision-Making Process
- Governance Through Communities
- Inequality and Social Policy in Russia
- Computer Science for Public Policy
- Macro and Microeconomics for Public Policy
- Organisational Management and Elaboration of Public Policy
- Political Development and Changes
- Political Discourse and Public Affairs
- Political Methodology and Philosophy
- Qualitative Methods in Public Policy Analysis
- Quantitative Methods in Public Policy Analysis
- Russia and New Emerging World Order
- Russian Governance and Decision Making
- Theories of Public Policy
- It is taught in English. This promotes the exchange of experience, knowledge and educational technologies in the field of global public politics
- The programme is based on international methodological and practical educational standards that are focused on training high calibre analysts, managers and political leaders
- Master’s students have an opportunity to develop and improve their leadership, management, analysis and implementation skills in public policy
- The programme is packed with business games, round tables, discussions, case studies and internships
- The leadership skills being developed will enable graduates to successfully implement political and managerial strategies in today’s complex and unstable society
Master’s students can participate in: exchange programmes with top Western and Eastern European universities; and international conferences held abroad. There are also joint programmes with USA students studying in special non-degree programmes at the Faculty of Political Science.
Academic partners
- The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
- The International Political Science Association (IPSA)
- Universities in Finland, Sweden, Germany, the UK, and other countries
- The impact of information and communication technology on contemporary global political processes
- The impact of migration policy on the formation of a common civic identity in Russia
- The impact of social networks on political processes in the Middle East
- Innovation policy in the Republic of Tatarstan: assessment of effectiveness
- The crisis of multiculturalism in Western Europe
- Monitoring political preferences of citizens in elections
- Modern protest movements in the youth immigrant community in Western Europe
- The evolution of international terrorism at the turn of the 20th — 21st centuries
- The policy of creating a positive image of Russia in the CIS
- The role of value attitudes in the evolution of the political regime
- Comparative analysis of administrative reforms of the 1990s—2000s
- Political career strategies in modern Russia: regional level
- Transformation of political competition in post-Soviet Russia
- Civilisational approach to the study of world politics and international relations
Graduates of the programme are much-in-demand in: government relations departments of Russian and foreign companies; expert and analytical structures of government and local authorities; analytical groups of political parties; government and independent analytical centres; analytical departments and services of banks; and marketing campaigns to name just a few.
- Lead analyst
- Political programme evaluator
- Expert in political expertise
- Head of research
- Project manager
- State and municipal government relations advisor
- Manager of corporate public programmes
- State and municipal employee
- Specialist in monitoring the external environment of the organisation
- Mass media analyst