Politics and Modern Information Technology
41.04.04 In Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
The master’s programme ‘Politics and Modern Information Technology’ prepares specialists for: government agencies and other political institutions; civil society institutions; and business sphere. Graduates of the programme are capable of applying the advanced technologies for solving political analysis tasks.
The educational strategy of the programme is aimed at developing analytical, managerial and leadership skills of the graduates for successful implementation of the strategy of sustainable and innovative development of society under modern conditions. The programme enables graduates to work as analysts and experts in: political communication; political campaigning including electoral campaigns; information security; political marketing; public service; political analysis; and political consulting.
- Big Data in Political Studies
- Analytical Centres as Political Entities
- Design of Empirical and Applied Political Research Projects
- Identity on the Internet
- Innovative Technologies of Expertise in State and Political Decisions
- Information Security in the Modern World
- Information Policy of the Modern State
- Cyberculture and Cyber-Ideology
- Cyber psychology and politics
- The Convergence of Media in the Digital Age
- Consultation in Modern Political Campaigns
- Marginal Political Discourses
- Methods of Political Manipulation
- Organisation and Technologies of Information and Analytical Activities in Politics
- Politics of ‘Post-Lingo’ and ‘Post-Truth’
- The programme makes it possible for students to acquire: the ability to carry out political online research; the capabilities and technologies of using Big Data in research projects; assessments of identity on the Internet; the state and innovations of electoral sociology in the 21st century; and legal features of the use of modern information technologies in political activities
- Students master the skills of analytical work in the field of information policy of the contemporary state and information security in the modern world. They also learn the emerging trends in modern information wars and ways to counter them
- The programme also focuses on such pressing issues as: political discourse on the Internet; electronic participation in world politics; consulting in modern political campaigns; and innovative technologies of expertise in state and political decisions
- A wide range of courses is devoted to topical issues that are just beginning to be discussed in the research and academic environment while training professional political experts in: the study of the phenomena of cyberculture and cyber-ideology; and the politics of ‘post-lingo’ and ‘post-truth’
- A separate set of training courses deals with modern media technologies in the Internet environment: the features of the convergence of media in the digital era; and the requirements of political ethics for their activities
- The study of norms and real practices of the organisation and technologies of information and analytical activities in politics will make it possible for master’s students to feel more confident in the highly competitive market for research services
- Information Security
- Cyber psychology and politics
- Online identity
- Political online discourse
- Post-truth politics
- Political online research
- The use of Big Data in politics
- Media in the digital age
- Modern information wars
- Modern cyberideologies
- Modern technologies for influencing mass consciousness
- Technologies of online political scandals
- The phenomenon of cybercultures
The programme provides training for innovative experts who are capable of: working smart in a modern information environment; and professionally combining managerial, analytical and technological skills.
Graduates of this master’s programme can find employment in: federal and regional research centres; government agencies; offices of political parties and socio-political associations; local governments; research and educational institutions; and Russian and foreign media.