Clinical Psychology
In English and Russian
Level of education Specialist
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 6 years
- The specialist’s programme ‘Clinical Psychology’ is designed to train experts in clinical psychology. Future clinical psychologists will be capable of successfully resolving psychological problems in various fields of healthcare, social, penitentiary and preventive practice, medicine, and psychological science
- The programme is designed to develop in students knowledge of: the theory, methodology and practice of clinical psychology; the applied and interdisciplinary nature of clinical psychology; its contribution to the development of theoretical issues in general psychology; and the theory and practice of medicine and healthcare. The programme involves the acquisition of professional skills in the main areas of clinical psychology: pathopsychology; neuropsychology; psychology of somatically preoccupied patients; prevention of neuropsychic maladaptation and socially significant diseases; prevention, mental hygiene and the formation of a healthy lifestyle; psychological counselling; psychotherapy; and rehabilitation of patients. Students also master: clinical psychological research methods; and the theory and practice of psychological intervention in working with different populations of patients (children and adults), people with borderline mental disorders, and the healthy population
- The academic programme has been designed taking into account professional standards and the views of employers (professional communities) on the correlation of graduates' competencies and job functions in their professional activities
- Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology
- Neurology
- Neuroendocrinology and Human Behaviour
- Psychogenetics
- Psychiatry
- Psychophysiology
- Legal and Ethical Principles of Clinical Psychologist Work
- Clinical Psychodiagnostics
- Psychology of Abnormal Development
- Psychology of Addictive Behaviour
- Methods of Developmental Diagnostics of Child Normal and Abnormal Development
- Pathopsychology
- Psychodiagnostics in Neurosis Clinic
- Neurotic and Personality Disorders
- Cognitive Methods in Clinical Psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Theories and Techniques of Psychotherapy. Practical Classes in Psychotherapy
- Psychological Counselling
- Clinical Psychology in Expert Practice
- Family Psychology and Family Psychotherapy
- Psychosomatics
- Training of Professional Confidence of Clinical Psychologist
- Psychology of Rehabilitation
- General Psychology
- General Psychology Practical Classes
- Intro to Corporate Ethics
- Psychological Aid in Emergencies
- Developmental Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Experimental Psychology
The programme includes a wide range of elective courses that contribute to the student’s self-determination in psychology in different areas of study
Clinical Psychodiagnostics, Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Parent-Child Clinical Psychology
- Behavioural Health Psychology
- Psychology of Crises and Extreme States
- Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
- Forensic and Criminal Psychology
- Continuous six-year training that includes one-year practical training with individual and group supervision. The programme is unique in that it combines the traditions of training clinical psychologists – laid down by the famous Russian and Soviet medical psychologist Vladimir Myasishchev – with the development of contemporary scholars and practitioners.
- The programme combines in-depth theoretical training and mastering of practical skills in the main areas and fields of contemporary clinical psychology: pathopsychology; neuropsychology; health psychology; psychology of a somatically preoccupied patient; psychotherapy; psychological counselling; social rehabilitation; prevention of behavioural disorders and socially significant diseases; psychological expertise; early intervention and psychological support for children and parents. This includes training at various clinical bases at St Petersburg University, and medical and social institutions of St Petersburg.
- Significant attention in the programme is paid to the methodology and the acquisition of specific methods of psychological diagnosis and psychological intervention, both in the clinic and in counselling practice. Training is provided under the supervision of experienced teachers and qualified practising psychologists.
- There is an opportunity to study for a semester at various European universities.
- Graduates are qualified to receive EuroPsy certificates – the European standard for professional qualifications for independent practice.
- There is an opportunity to take part in unique annual international events for students and young scholars: ‘Winter Psychological School’; the international scientific conference ‘Ananievskiye chteniya’; and the international conference ‘Psychology of the 21st Century’.
- Vilnius University (Lithuania)
- Yale University (the USA)
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
- Aarhus University (Denmark)
- The Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski (Bulgaria)
- The University of Zaragoza (Spain)
- Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)
- The University of Beira Interior (Portugal)
- Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
- The University of Delaware (the USA)
- The University of Minho (Portugal)
- The University of Portsmouth (Great Britain)
- The University of Santiago de Compostela - USC (Spain)
- Tohoku University (Japan)
- The University of Houston (the USA)
- The University of Edinburgh (Great Britain)
- The Jagiellonian University (Poland)
The programme trains professionals to provide services in psychological diagnostics, expertise and counseling at healthcare, educational, social welfare, nonprofit and business organisations as well as administrative and law enforcement bodies. It aims to equip graduates with skills and knowledge necessary to conduct independent research and provide training in clinical psychology.
Key positions
- Clinical psychologist
- Psychologist
- Educational psychologist
- Consulting psychologist
- Psychologist in emergency aid agencies
- Social welfare psychologist
- The programme has been internationally accredited by the Direction for Evaluation and Accreditation of the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge (DEVA-AAC) as part of the institutional accreditation of the Faculty of Psychology, the Certificate dated 3 May 2019