For students
Every University student has a corporate email address of the following form:
- Login, password, and e-mail address are unique for each student enrolled in the University. You can get them at your Academic Office.
- For e-mails of the University students, we use the modern mail system Gmail by Google as part of the Google Apps for Education.
- You can access your e-mail:
- through the BlackBoard system;
- or via the mail web interface
- you can get consultation or assistance in working with e-mail at the Information Technology Service.
For staff
- Official corporate e-mail addresses of the University staff have the following format:, where “i” is the first letter of the name, “familiya” is the surname in full in English transliteration.
- Please note: if such a name is already used, deviations from this format are possible.
- Accounts and passwords are issued by the Information Technology Service at the personal request or at the request of their managers through the ‘Delo' information system.
- You can access your e-mail through:
- Web interface
Using the web interface, you can choose from several design options. Use the interactive interface Pronto! That is based on Flash technology or interactive ProntoLite interface based on HTML5 technology. To log in, you must enter a single account and password. - Any mail client that supports IMAP4 technology. You must use as the server name, and a single account of the stXXXXXX format as the login, where X are numbers from 0 to 9. For outgoing mail, you must specify the same parameters (server name, login).
For security reasons, we recommend that you enable traffic encryption (TLS) for both IMAP4 and SMTP.