"Chekhov: pro et contra": yesterday, today, tomorrow

Presentation of the IV volume of «"Chekhov: pro et contra": yesterday, today, tomorrow» anthology.
V. Nabokov Museum of SPbU will hold presentation of the IV volume of "Chekhov: pro et contra" anthology (Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, 2022). The book will be introduced by Igor Sukhikh, author of all four volumes, Doctor of Philology, Professor of SPbU. Authors of articles included into the anthology and A. Stepanov and A. Stepanova, annotators of the first and second volumes of the anthology will attend the event. Participants will talk about history and prospects for studying works of A. Chekhov, publishing projects of recent years dedicated to the writer. During the presentation "Territory of Philology" book dedicated to the 70th anniversary of I. Sukhikh will be presented to the public.
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