Petrography museum tours
School for Young Scientists 2025: Inorganic, (Bio)Hybrid, and Polymeric Nanostructures: Synthesis and Functional Properties
St Petersburg University is hosting a School for Young Scientists titled "Inorganic, (Bio)Hybrid, and Polymeric Nanostructures: Synthesis and Functional Properties" for third and fourth year students from Russian universities.
The place of Peter the Great’s reforms in Russian history
The St Petersburg University representative office in Spain invites you to an online lecture titled "The place of Peter the Great’s reforms in Russian history", delivered by Dr Kirill Nazarenko, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
Museum of the History of Physics and Mathematics
SPbU hosts weekly guided tours of the museum of the History of Physics and Mathematics.
Herbarium tour
The SPbU Herbarium offers weekly guided tours set in the beautiful interiors of the late 19th century, where you can learn more about the history of botany and the St Petersburg University.
Palaeontological museum tours
Russian playwrights of the 20th century: Leonid Zorin
The St Petersburg University Representative Office in Spain invites you to an online lecture "Russian playwrights of the 20th century: Leonid Zorin", dedicated to the works of the outstanding Soviet and Russian playwright, screenwriter, and writer. The lecture will be delivered by Natalya Semyonova, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philology at St Petersburg University and Candidate of Philological Sciences.
Open Lecture by Alfredo Crosato Neumann
As part of the Annual Martens Lecture Series on International Law, St Petersburg University will host an open lecture by Alfredo Crosato Neumann, PhD from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva), Associate Professor, and Head of the International Law Department at the Faculty of Law, Kadir Has University (Istanbul). Dr Neumann is also a practising lawyer and consultant in international courts and tribunals. His lecture is titled "Erga Omnes Obligations in International Law: Current Trends and Persistent Questions".
Chess Tournament
We invite all interested participants to join the chess match tournament, held in honour of St Petersburg University Day, as part of the SPbU Team. The match will take place between St Petersburg State University and Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University.
Lecture series on the Asian and African studies at SPbU
St Petersburg University will host a series of lectures to showcase the full range of Asian and African Studies at SPbU.