Almost 6,000 graduates from 66 countries received diplomas of St Petersburg University
This year 5,859 young specialists, including 923 foreign citizens, graduated from programmes at all levels of education
The largest number of students graduated from the master’s programme "Linguistics", this year 285 students have completed this programme. Secondary vocational education programme "Physical training" also has a high number of graduates: 265 students who are to be qualified physical training teachers in schools and colleges received diplomas of SPbU. 234 bachelor students and 210 master students of the "Law" field of study, and 196 students of the "International relations" field of study at each level of education graduated from St Petersburg University this year. Traditionally, the following bachelor’s programmes are leaders in the number of graduates: "Economics" (170 graduates), "Linguistics" (163 graduates), "Journalism" (159 graduates), "Applied Mathematics and Informatics"(136 graduates), "Management" (131 graduates) and "Liberal Arts and Sciences" (111 graduates).
The most popular programmes among foreign students are "Linguistics" (96 master and 37 bachelor graduates), "Journalism" (51 master and 32 bachelor graduates) and "International relations" (54 master and 23 bachelor graduates).
In 2022 students from following countries have graduated from St Petersburg University: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Columbia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Mongolia, Nigeria, Norway, Palestine, the People’s Republic of China, Peru, Philippines, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Serbia, Spain, Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the USA, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, etc.
Among SPbU’s graduates of various fields of study, there are winners and prise winners of city, all-Russian and international competitions. For example, Sergei Lisenkov, a master’s student at the Institute of Earth Sciences, became one of the best students of St. Petersburg, and Nikolai Chausov, a bachelor’s student of "Psychology" programme, became one of the eight University’s students — gold medallists of the Olympiad "I am a Professional"
Heads of the educational programmes and teachers congratulated graduates of this year. Among the special guests of the graduation ceremonies were prominent scientists and public figures: Mikhail Piotrovsky, the Director of the State Hermitage Museum, a Dean of the Oriental faculty at SPbU, Konstantin Chuychenko, the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, etc.
SPbU Alumni Office helps graduates to stay connected with alma mater. To join SPBU’s Alumni Community, you need to fill out the application on the website of St Petersburg University. Members of the St Petersburg University Alumni Community can: attend cultural and scientific events that take place at the sites of the University; share ideas on development of SPbU; participate in volunteer activities; apply for giving a presentation, a lecture or participating in research activities at the University.
Since May 2010, St Petersburg University has been issuing its own diplomas in Russian and English
Graduates also can continue their studies at the next level of education. Let us remind that July 27 is the application deadline for aspirantura programmes for training research and teaching staff; August 11 — deadline for applications for clinical residency programmes, September 9 — deadline for part-time master programmes. In addition, during the year a wide spectrum of additional educational programmes in various fields (from economics to physical education and sports) is available to all interested persons.
Diploma of St Petersburg University provides a wide range of opportunities to continue education in leading universities of Russia and the world. Since 2016, SPbU diplomas include information about places of practical trainings, members of state examination commission, employers who approved topics of graduation thesis, and QR codes, which a potential employer can use to get access to the graduate’s personal page on the SPbU portal. The QR code make it possible for HR specialists to find information about academic performance of a candidate and even to examine graduation thesis. This information helps an employer to form an impression about an applicant for a position and take final decision on this matter.
Note that graduates who could not attend the ceremony can receive their diploma at the faculties’ Academic Affairs Office later. You can watch videos of graduation ceremonies on RuTube channel of SPbU, and find photos of 2022 graduation ceremonies in photo albums in official group of SPbU on Vkontakte.