Associate Professor from St Petersburg University becomes a visiting professor at Jilin University School of Law

Alexander Zezekalo, Associate Professor from St Petersburg University, has been appointed Visiting Professor at Jilin University, the leading national university of the People’s Republic of China.
The certificate confirming this status was presented to Alexander Zezekalo by He Zhipeng, Dean of Jilin University School of Law.
Alexander Zezekalo noted that this is his second appointment to such a position, but the first period was mostly during the coronavirus pandemic: ‘Then I only managed to visit China once with a guest lecture, and then the whole world went online. I delivered review lectures and participated in conferences online.’
Now that travelling around the world has become easier, it is once again possible to visit Jilin University and interact with students face-to-face. ‘We discussed various options of interaction, first of all, the holding of classes, both in the usual remote format and, possibly, in person,’ explained Alexander Zezekalo, Associate Professor at St Petersburg University.
Alexander Zezekalo has been teaching at St Petersburg University since 2015, lecturing and conducting classes for bachelor’s and master’s students in courses such as: Civil Law. Special Part; Legal Transactions; Protection of Property in the Context of Fundamental Rights; and Human Rights and Sports.
Alexander Zezekalo emphasised that bilateral cooperation with Jilin University School of Law makes it possible for Chinese students to learn more about Russia and its legal system, and for Russian students to get acquainted with the traditions, culture and legal science of China. For example, some professors from the School also deliver lectures to students of St Petersburg University’s bachelor’s programme "Jurisprudence (with an In-Depth Study of the Chinese Language and Legal System)".