English for businessmen
Success in solving business issues directly depends on the ability to communicate and negotiate. Self-confidence and persuasiveness will help to make a good impression both on an HR manager at a job interview and an investor at a startup presentation, as well as a potential business partner at a Zoom conference.
Of course, it’s easier said than done. At such moments, people feel worried, even if the interlocutor speaks the same language. And now imagine that you are going to work for a foreign company or an international project, and you will have to speak English! Even those, who achieved the B2 level, can get lost in such situation, let alone beginners. Here are the basic components of the "Business English" that would be useful in these cases:
- Special terminology used in your field of work: so that you don’t have to play charades explaining why the supply of spare parts for electrical equipment is postponed
- Business vocabulary, relevant idioms and a variety of polite expressions instead of colloquialisms: you must admit that ‘I think we’re on the same page here’ sounds more eloquent than a simple "Ok"
- Good grammar level: the competent use of complex constructions, articles in proper places and verbs in the correct form not only makes your speech pleasant, but also helps to avoid inaccuracies and ambiguity
"Business English" series of online courses of St Petersburg University will help to fill knowledge gaps on the above list of components, learn how to write a CV, correspond with your colleagues, make a business plan and an elevator pitch, make presentations in public, become more confident and move forward! Also SPbU invites lawyers to replenish their vocabulary with professional terminology, learn how to read and compile documents, and even prepare for the TOLES English exam for lawyers with "Legal English" online course.