How to use solar power efficiently: the finalists in the SPbU Start-up − 2023 contest present their project
A finalist team in the contest of innovative projects "SPbU Start-up − 2023" has developed a modular solar system that enables generating solar energy in a more sustainable way under different climates and environmental conditions.

The AutoSOLAR team has developed a device embedded with sensors for collecting thermal energy from the sun — a solar collector that have tubes with working substance inside. The innovation is in the system of storing the emitted ultraviolet flux. When the equipment cannot operate effectively due to the cold season, low solar activity or low levels of radiation, the collector circuit is filled with an inert gas − creosote. This allows for the safe decommissioning of units and improving energy conversion efficiency of the system, because the heat-transfer medium is not cooled by atmospheric air, while the system continues to operate in automated mode. The equipment is designed to be able to measure both ambient temperature and solar insolation (the thermal radiation received from the Sun onto the surface. — Editor’s note).
There are times when the temperature is low, while the insolation is sufficient. Then, the controller sends a signal to squeeze the inert gas out into the atmosphere, which is completely safe. The pressure in the expansion tank will make the collector start converting solar energy again.
Anastasiia Polozkova, team captain
The main advantages of the project are: the possibility of using inexhaustible resources that have a minimal environmental impact; no thermal energy losses at sub-zero temperatures; and simplified operation. With the automated operation of the system in place, there is no need to constantly monitor the process. Moreover, the team is also developing an application that will enable better management of the heat supply with potential for autonomy from the centralised energy supply system.
Read the following articles in the series "SPbU Start-up — 2023" that will feature other finalist teams and innovative projects in: Information Technology; Artificial Intelligence; Agriculture; and other fields.
According to the authors of the AutoSOLAR project, the main difference between the proposed solar energy system under development and similar products on the market is its affordability for consumers in the middle price segment. Their modular system costs five times less, while it is more efficient and sustainable. ‘Heat pipes in the solar systems that manufacturers now offer are filled with air. This can lead to corrosion, whilst corrosion prevention is costly. By contrast, our solar energy system can be made from improvised materials because we use a noble gas instead of air,’ said Anastasiia Polozkova.
According to Anastasiia Polozkova, the AutoSOLAR development is a finalised business proposal: from the product idea to manufacturing and maintenance. The team members are prepared to modify the equipment if required, to adapt it to the customer’s needs and to alter the system design for both buildings under construction and existing buildings. ‘In warmer climates, one set of equipment is required, while in colder regions, such as Siberia, a different set is required. We make the measurements and select the right technical equipment,’ explained Anastasiia Polozkova, Captain of the AutoSOLAR team.
The AutoSOLAR team is composed of students and early-career researchers from Omsk State Transport University. The team captain is Anastasiia Polozkova, who is responsible for the project promotion and commercial activities. Evgenii Lazarev is the team’s planner and financial director, controlling costs and profits. Artem Gusarov is the team’s analyst and conceptual thinker — he analyses the economic proposals. Bogdan Timchenko is responsible for the development and testing of the modular system and the theoretical framework of the project. Maksim Chirikov deals with the practical engineering issues, sets up the solar energy unit and monitors its operation.
The AutoSOLAR team is currently focused on the purchase, assembly and testing of the equipment for the pilot release of their modular solar energy system. Another focus area is the economic aspects of the project, including product advertising through partner companies with which the team has signed cooperation agreements. The AutoSOLAR team plans first to launch the product on a regional level. Then, after the successful implementation of the project in small scales, they are prepared to meet the country’s demand.