Labour Forum: artificial intelligence forces us to enhance our knowledge

St Petersburg International Labour Forum has held a project session on corporate education in the age of innovation economy. Government, business, and science discussed how education should transform in the digital age.
All up-to-date trends – block chain, agile and others – has a network structure: hierarchy is replaced by the flat organizational structure, says Ksenia Pletner, Director of the Personnel Training Department in Microsoft.
“How you interact at work is mostly about direct communication”, — said the expert. All tasks that can be algorithmic can be done by artificial intelligence, she added.
We are therefore forced to enhance our knowledge. Today we have to find new answers and solutions rather than perform our routine tasks.
Director of the Personnel Training Department in Microsoft Ksenia Pletner
To gain knowledge now and here is just what is needed, says Director of the Centre for Development of E-educational Resources at SPbU Vladimir Starostenko.
What makes the Z generation different is that they consume in a way that is most convenient for them. “The classical university, to create education of the future, is actively engaged in developing distance learning. SPbU has created about 70 on-line courses, with more than 300,000 students, and half of the have already started a course”, - he said.
Director of the “Corporate Business “MegaAcademy” in the North-West branch of Megafon Denis Kazakov told us through what the typical drawback the employer encounter when hiring graduates. Young specialists are well equipped with theoretical knowledge but have a lack of practical and soft skills.
Director of the Office for Additional Professional Educational Programmes at the Graduate School of Management at SPbU Leonid Vasiliev told that we should take into consideration specific requirements of the companies: some of them rate business practice more than soft skills.
It explains why St Petersburg University is actively engaged in attracting employers into educational process to develop educational programmes and standards. The employers suggest topics for research and take part in the final examination events. The students, as a result, gain practice-oriented knowledge, while the employers can meet future employees when they are still studying and can have a direct influence on how they are educated and prepared for future employment.