St Petersburg and Gazprom Neft award gifted mathematicians
5 December saw the annual award ceremony for the winners of the Mathematical Progression programme. It is a joint project of St Petersburg University and Gazprom Neft to support talented mathematicians. 73 students and four young researchers received personal scholarships and awards for achievements in their research activities.
The ‘Mathematical Progression’ project, launched in 2015, is a joint educational initiative of the Chebyshev Laboratory of St Petersburg University and Gazprom Neft. It is implemented through the Gazprom Neft ‘Home Towns’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) project. The mission of the project is to support talented youth at all stages of education: schoolchildren receive an invitation to study at the university; students are awarded with personal scholarships; young researchers receive grants and internships in Russia and abroad; and research teams are provided with financial support for their basic research.
460 students received increased scholarships over these years. 19 doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers became Gazprom Neft prize winners. 82 young scientists completed their internships at leading mathematical schools in Russia, France, Italy, Israel, the Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, and Poland.
Scholarship recipients regularly become winners of high-profile international mathematical competitions. Project participant Aleksandr Logunov won the Clay Research Award by the Clay Mathematics Institute. It is the second most important mathematical award after the Fields Medal. In 2019, the ‘Mathematical Progression’ reached an international level. St Petersburg University with the support of Gazprom Neft launched the Master's programme ‘Advanced Mathematics’ for students from Russia and abroad. Also, this year has seen the establishment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on the basis of the Chebyshev Laboratory. Some courses will be taught by employees of Gazprom Neft, Yandex and JetBrains.
The Chebyshev Laboratory at St Petersburg University was established in 2010 as part of a Russian Government programme directed at the development of key areas in mathematical research, as well as supporting young academics. More than 350 courses and seminars have been held through the centre for nine years. In excess of 25 scientific schools and conferences and 180 visits of world-class researchers have been organised. The centre has also published more than 53 academic papers and two monographs.
‘The Chebyshev laboratory staff are actively involved in the development of our Science and Technology Centre in: using artificial intelligence; analysing big data; creating digital twins; and improving the efficiency of oil production. This year St Petersburg University has opened a new faculty, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. It is on the basis of the Chebyshev Laboratory and under a strategic partnership with Gazprom Neft. An international master’s programme has also been launched. The ‘Mathematical Progression’ project helps the emergence in Russia of a new generation of mathematicians who are in demand in our country. Moreover, international students are now coming to study in our country again,’ commented Alexander Dybal, a member of the Gazprom Neft Management Board.
The 'Mathematical Progression’ project is a joint initiative from Gazprom Neft together with St Petersburg University, implemented through the Gazprom Neft ‘Home Towns’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) project. The key aim of this project is to support talented children from the regions, and young scientists and their research activities in applied and theoretical mathematics. Scholarship recipients are identified annually through a committee comprising members of the Chebyshev Laboratory and associate members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
‘This project has helped revitalise the mathematical life in the city and led to outstanding results. Our students receive the most respected awards. Experts highly appreciate students' research activities for their contribution to science. But most importantly, thanks to the support of Gazprom Neft, we have been able to give a fresh start to mathematical education at St Petersburg University and return it to the world level. 2022 will see the International Congress of Mathematicians in our city. It is one of the main and most prestigious scientific congresses,’ said Stanislav Smirnov, a Fields medallist and academic supervisor of the Chebyshev Laboratory and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, St Petersburg University.
The 'Home Towns’ project is the Gazprom Neft corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme. It is one of the most successful and well-known initiatives of Russian business throughout the regions in which the company has a presence. The project supports small volunteer events, city festivals and large international festivals. Whatever the scale of the event, all the programme projects address specific and unique challenges of the regions where Gazprom Neft has its business.