St Petersburg University is the first Russian university to hold an open all-Russian competition for signing agreements on sponsored education with companies in Karelia

St Petersburg University, the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Karelia, and companies in the Republic of Karelia that sponsor education have agreed to hold an open competition for signing agreements on employer-sponsored education among applicants of St Petersburg University during the 2022 admission campaign. Not only the residents of the particular subject of the Russian Federation, but applicants from all over the country can take part in the competition. The competition will be held for the first time.
The agreement was reached at the meeting that focused on the development of the personnel potential of the Republic of Karelia through the mechanism of sponsored training. The meeting was held by the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Karelia at the end of June.
Winning the competition will grant an applicant the right to sign an agreement on sponsored training at St Petersburg University. The agreements cover bachelor’s and specialist studies in priority areas of study and specialties for the Republic of Karelia. The competition is held for the academic programmes at St Petersburg University for which the Government of the Russian Federation has set an admission quota for sponsored education.
Those who are interested to apply for sponsored training can be residents of any constituent entity of the Russian Federation, not only those living in the Republic of Karelia. If you win the competition, you will have the opportunity to sign an agreement on sponsored education with one of the customer organisations from the Republic of Karelia and take part in the competition for admission within the admission quota for sponsored training. More detailed information about the competition is available on the website of the St Petersburg University Admissions Committee.
The experiment is unique, as today there are not any rivals to hold such open public competitions to develop the personnel potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation, said Aleksandr Babich, Senior Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Admissions at St Petersburg University.
St Petersburg University prepares specialists for all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The mechanism of sponsored training ensures that the regions can attract highly qualified specialists for the benefits of those areas of the regional economy where there is a considerable demand for personnel.
Aleksandr Babich, Senior Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Admissions at St Petersburg University
‘Today, federal legislation and by-laws do not stipulate a unified procedure for the selection of citizens by customers of sponsored education for signing agreements on sponsored training. In this regard, the University receives many questions from applicants about how to find a customer for sponsored training. In order to help motivated applicants and to develop the personnel potential of the Republic of Karelia, St Petersburg University, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Karelia, decided to hold an open public competition among applicants from all regions of the Russian Federation to grant the right to sign an agreement on sponsored education for admission to St Petersburg University,’ said Aleksandr Babich.
As a result of the discussion, Aleksandr Babich, Senior Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Admissions, and Roman Golubev, Minister of Education and Sports of the Republic of Karelia, signed an agreement on the selection of citizens to grant them a right to sign agreements on sponsored training between them and organisations of the Republic of Karelia.
The agreements stipulate the provision of support measures to selected citizens and their further participation in the competition for admission to places within the quota for sponsored admission to the University in higher education programmes. After successful completion of the study, students can work in the organisations of the Republic of Karelia.
‘In order to develop the personnel potential of Karelia, we support the open competition for school graduates to be enrolled in the employer-sponsored places at St Petersburg University. Those who have passed the competition receive a guarantee of employment in various organisations of the Republic of Karelia. From our part, we will provide information about possible employers who sponsor education, areas of study, and characteristics of the intended place of work for future graduates,’ said Roman Golubev, Minister of Education and Sports of the Republic of Karelia.