St Petersburg University launches an online course on professional development

In a new online course from St Petersburg University, students will learn how to write a competent CV, build an effective career plan and find a job.
In the "Build Your Career" course, students will learn how to create a career profile, assess their prospects in the light of current market requirements, and learn the nuances of developing a CV and preparing for an interview.
The programme consists of five modules. A special emphasis is placed on a systematic approach. Students will learn how to analyse the labour market, identify their competitive advantages necessary for further professional development, and receive practical advice on adapting to a new position.
A new online course is being implemented on the national OpenEdu platform. You can enrol now.
One of the advantages of the online course is that it is designed for all age groups: from young professionals (an issue of CV writing without work experience is discussed separately) to people in the phases of a career change and job search. For this purpose, the issue of age-specific stages of professional development is explored separately and specific recommendations for maintaining a work-life balance are given.
The author of the course is Elena Rodionova, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Professional Activity Psychology at St Petersburg University, a business coach, specialist in motivation and organisational culture, author of popular online courses "Psychotechnologies of Working with Personnel", "Career Psychology" and others.