St Petersburg University takes part in the Russia−Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum 2023
The international Economic and Humanitarian Forum, held as part of the Second Russia−Africa Summit, was held on 27 to 28 July in St Petersburg. The Forum participants discussed the issues of: the new global economy; cooperation in science and technology; integrated security and sovereign development; as well as cooperation in the humanitarian and social spheres.
St Petersburg University held three events at the Forum. At the roundtable meeting ‘Development of Foreign Economic Relations between Russia and Africa in New Geopolitical Conditions’, experts from St Petersburg University discussed: cooperation between Russia and African countries in the field of economic development; the challenges facing the countries of the African continent in the current geopolitical environment; and possible solutions to these challenges within the framework of international cooperation with Russia. The roundtable discussion was moderated by Dr Karin Kneissl, Head of the Centre ‘Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues’ (GORKI) at St Petersburg University, Energy Expert, academic and former Minister of European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria; and Vicktor Titov, Senior Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics at St Petersburg University and Deputy Head of the GORKI Centre.
The roundtable session ‘Artificial Intelligence: The New Driver for the Development of the African Region’ was moderated by Konstantin Pantserev, Professor in the Department of Theory and History of International Relations at St Petersburg University. The expert session ‘Russia, the Forge of Young Professionals, Scholars and Experts. Professional Reserve: Russia — Africa’ focused on the development of professional mobility schemes and expert exchange programmes for specialists from the Russian Federation and Africa. The session was moderated by Maiia Rusakova, Head of the Centre for Monitoring the Quality of Education and Acting Director of the Centre for Applied Sociology at St Petersburg University.
Sergey Andryushin, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at St Petersburg University, participated in the discussion ‘Russia and Africa: Prospects for the Development of Inter-University Cooperation’.
St Petersburg University also took part in the St Petersburg exposition at the Russia−Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum 2023. The exposition featured: presentations on the University’s online courses; student exchange programmes; the projects of the winning teams in the student contest of innovative projects ‘SPbU Start-up 2021’ and ‘SPbU Start-up 2022’: Terroir Concept, Lingvera, and ‘OGO GO’; and much more.
St Petersburg University is actively working to promote the Russian language and culture in the countries of the African continent. Currently, in-person and online Russian language courses are held in six countries: Algeria, Kenya, Niger, Tanzania, South Africa and Zimbabwe. In total, over 1,500 students from Africa are enrolled in the University’s Russian language courses this academic year. To improve the efficiency of its programmes, St Petersburg University experts have published a textbook for beginners We are learning Russian (A1 level) in Russian and English. The textbook is currently being translated into Swahili. Additionally, much work has been done by the University with a view to improving the qualifications of Russian language teachers in Africa. In 2023, with the support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, St Petersburg University launched a non-degree programme for Russian language teachers. Fifty non-native Russian language teachers from 14 African countries study in a professional development programme free-of-charge.
Currently, about 100 students from 23 countries of the African continent, including: Algeria; Egypt; Rwanda; Tunisia; and Mauritius are studying at St Petersburg University. Within the Federal Project ‘Export of Education’, St Petersburg University, in partnership with the Modern Group of Companies, opens its branch in Cairo (Egypt), which will offer five academic programmes: ‘General Medicine’; ‘Pharmacy’; ‘Nursing’; ‘Dental Medicine’; and ‘Physical Therapy’. The classes at the University campus in Cairo will begin in the autumn semester of the 2023−2024 academic year. Also, there are plans underway for other academic programmes relevant to the economy of Egypt and the Middle East.