Surgeons at St Petersburg University Clinic perform a unique operation to remove an atrial tumour

Surgeons from the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St Petersburg University have performed an operation for the first time to remove a left atrial tumour with upper and lower pulmonary vein grafting. There are only two known cases worldwide in which a pulmonary vein has been stitched back into the atrium, but the tumour has not been removed.
The Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St Petersburg University
A multidisciplinary team was formed to perform the operation. The work was organised by a team of experts from the Oncology Department of the Pirogov Clinic, headed by Rostislav Pavlov, Deputy Director of the Medical Part. Thoracic surgeons from the Petrov National Medicine Research Centre of Oncology, specialists from the Centre for Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology, as well as anaesthesiologists and intensive care specialists were involved in the operation.
The patient has been battling against recurrent cancer for over 13 years. She had undergone several operations earlier but after them, doctors noted active growth of the tumour in her left atrium, and radiation and chemotherapy had no effect. However, not operating meant increasing the risk of cardiac tamponade and death.
The operation to remove the tumour lasted for about 10 hours and went off without any complications. In the post-operative period, the patient experienced pain caused by the neuropathy of the saphenous nerve, but this condition was treated quickly.
Rostislav Pavlov, Deputy Director of the Medical Part
‘The patient is currently being observed by a cardiologist and an oncologist in her home area in Moscow. A follow-up examination by specialists from the St Petersburg University Clinic is scheduled in three months’ time,’ said Rostislav Pavlov.
According to Rostislav Pavlov, such an operation is a breakthrough in the field of surgery. Surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St Petersburg State University will now be able to provide timely, qualified care to patients if a similar pathology is detected.