Dear friends,
St Petersburg University is the leading university in Russia. Today, the University is a world-leading centre of teaching, learning, and research. We ensure that appropriate measures are in place to attract the world-recognised scientists and early-career researchers with ability, enthusiasm and commitment who will drive advancement in research.
There are more than 26,000 students at St Petersburg University from across the world and regions of Russia. The total number of staff across the University is more than 12,000
We have more than 15 research laboratories established by mega-grants of the Government of the Russian Federation or within our own grant schemes. We provide a conducive environment for conducting research with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure to: make scientific drug discoveries for incurable diseases; ensure advances in prosthetic technology; study climate change; test innovative computer-aided methods for genome assembly; introduce cutting-edge mechanisms for data collection and storage; and ensure we lead research agenda across sciences
Rector's biography:
How Nikolay Kropachev was fired for fighting corruption
Our 23 Resource Centres at the Research Park offer unrivalled facilities and infrastructure to scientists and researchers from across the globe. St Petersburg University is an open university. The University’s website provides full information relating to the University’s activities: the University’s officers; the University’s day-to-day administration; scientific breakthroughs; outstanding academic achievements of the University students; and opportunities the University offers to students, staff, and those who are willing to work with or study at the University.
Rector’s meetings are held at 12 noon on Monday each week at Room 2013, 7-9 Universitetskaya Embankment, St Petersburg, Russia.