Nikolay Kropachev was born on 8 February 1959 in Leningrad. In 1981, he graduated from Leningrad State University. His research supervisor was Professor Vadim Prokhorov. From 1981 to 1984, he pursued his doctoral studies at the Department of Criminal Law at Leningrad State University. In 1984, he defended a candidate dissertation "Legal Relations" under the supervision of Professor Nikolay Belyaev.
What we focused on was disputed controversial issues. We had intense debate. From the very first years at the University, he has taken an avid interest in the subject of responsibility and justice. Such contemplation formed his ideology, frame of mind. Vadim Prokhorov, Professor in the Department of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law and Honorary Professor at St Petersburg University ("'What I see is a man committed to his work...'")
- Since 1985, he was an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Criminal Law at Leningrad State University
- Since 1991, he served as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor
- In 1993, he was awarded an academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Law
- Since 2001, he has served as Professor in the Department of Criminal Law
- From 2000 to 2010, he served as the Head of the Department of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law
In 1999, he was dismissed from the position of the Dean of the Faculty of Law (Order No 669/1 published on 30 August 1999 and abolished on 22 September 1999 according to Order No 738/1).
From September 2000 to September 2005, he served as the Chairman of the Charter Court at St Petersburg (Decisions of the Charter Court, Nikolay Kropachev: "A decision of a court always regards someone’s interests," "Abundance of commas impedes legislation," Decisions of the Charter Court, Nikolay Kropachev: "A decision of a court always regards someone’s interests," "Abundance of commas impedes legislation," Citizens do not understand lawyers and officials. This can lead to a disaster).
He is a 1st Class Full State Counsellor of St Petersburg
In 2008, he was elected as the Rector of St Petersburg University at the Conference of St Petersburg University staff (the article in the Novoaya Gazeta dated 21 August 2008 "Steam Train in Siding"). He was appointed as the Rector of the University three times according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation: in 2009, 2014, and in 2019.
Since 2019, he is a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Professional associations and councils
Since 1996, he is the Vice President of the Interregional Association of Law Schools of Russia; Presidium Member of the Association of Lawyers of Russia. Since 2002, he has served as the Chairman of the Interregional Branch of the Russia-wide Public Organisation "Association of Lawyers of Russia" in St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region
From 2004 to 2008, he was a Presidium Member of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation.
From 2007 to 2010, he served as the Chairman of the Public Council under the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation.
Since 2008, he is a Presidium Member of the Council for Science and Education under the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2010, he has served as the Chairman of the Public Council at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia. Since 2011, he has served as the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions in the Northwestern Federal District.
Since 2010, he has been the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Coordinating Committee of the Petersburg Dialogue Forum; Chairman of the Russian Coordinating Committee of the Republic of Korea-Russia Dialogue Forum.
Since 2011, he has served as the Chairman of the Public Council at the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Since 2013, he is a member of the Presidential Commission for Civil Service and Management Personnel Pool.
From 2014 to 2019, he was a member of the Presidential Council for Grants to support young Russian scholars and leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation.
Since 2019, he has been a member of the Inter-Ministerial Council for Awarding Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in Education.
Since 2019, he has been a member of the Council of world-class scientific and educational centres.
Since 2020, he has been a member of the Government Commission for Economic Modernisation and Innovative Development of Russia.
Since 2021, he has been a member of the working group of the Council of world-class scientific and educational centres to assess the performance of world-class scientific and educational centres.
Since 2022, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Omsk State Technical University.
Since 2022, he has been a member of the Higher attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Since 2022, he has been a Bureau Member of Social Sciences Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Since 2022, he has been a Chairman of St. Petersburg regional branch of the Russian society "Znanie".
Since 2022, he has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
Since 2023, he has been a member of the Expert Council for the Development of History Education.
Since 2024, he has been a member of the Russkiy Mir Foundation supervisory board.
The first in Russia project to computerise the court system that aims to ensure the principle of open justice (1996)
The first in Russia robotic library system for archiving and storing large amounts of data as part of the implementation of a memorandum of cooperation with Panasonic, one of the University’s partner (2015)
The first in Russia project on abolition of the "curfew" in student halls of residence. In 2005, he as the Dean of the Faculty of Law ensured that all measures were in place to provide students in law with 24/7 access to their hall of residence. In 2010, he as the Rector of the University applied these rules across the University. Only in 2014, this initiative was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Using clinics as a form of education
In August 1998, the Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law was opened at St Petersburg University. Its practice has shown that using clinics as a form of education is advantageous and efficient. They began to gain currency at the University on the initiative of Nikolay Kropachev, Rector of St Petersburg University. At present, St Petersburg University successfully run 16 clinics: the Legal Clinic; the Psychological Clinic; the Social Clinic; the Sociological Clinic; the Centre for Financial Literacy; the Social Translation Centre; the IT clinic; the Media Centre; the Environmental Clinic; the Archive Centre; the Mediation Centre; the Museum and Architectural Clinic; and the Clinic of Communication Projects (Practice in the form of clinic at St Petersburg University).
The Research Park established on the principles of openness and accessibility for all researchers
By the early 1990s, the University’s research facilities and infrastructure had been outdated. Our big breakthrough came in 2007, when the University opened the Russia-leading Research Park with state-of-the-art laboratory facilities (Research Park: on the Road to the Future). The St Petersburg University Research Park has state-of-the art facilities and infrastructure that are at the forefront of experimental research of exceptional quality. The University ensures open and transparent access to the research facilities and infrastructure.
Defences according to the University’s own rules
St Petersburg University began work on changing the rules for defending dissertations when it became obvious that public confidence in academic degrees in our country was declining. In 2013, the University began conducting its own defences of dissertations submitted for a PhD degree of St Petersburg University. This became a kind of continuation of the long-standing tradition of awarding its own academic degrees at the University that was established almost 100 years ago. This practice was recognised as successful. So, in 2016, a law was adopted, according to which the two leading universities of the country – St Petersburg University and Moscow State University – were entitled to conduct thesis defences on their own terms for the state-recognised academic degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences (St Petersburg University's own academic degrees: past and present)
The University openness policy
St Petersburg University policies have always been ultimately transparent. All information – about competitions, grants, entrance exams, decisions, and documents – is published on the University website. Any interested person can therefore read it (A Fresh Start: from the "system" of rumours and gossiping to feedback).
Among other things, special sections have appeared on the University website:
- Rector’s Meetings with Public (since July 2008)
- Rector's Meetings (since 2011)
- St Petersburg University Research Repository (since March 2014)
- University: A Fresh Start (since May 2016)
Virtual Reception of St Petersburg University
Since August 2011, the St Petersburg University portal has been publishing the responses of the University officials to the enquires of University students and staff. The list of officials responsible for different aspects of the University life is expanding. The number of responses to enquiries is constantly growing. (The Virtual Reception).
"I ask you to break the rules!"
Since 2011, the University has been publishing enquiries submitted to the Rector on its official website. Since 2015, according to the Rector’s decision, there is a rule that stipulates that the University is to publish all enquiries to the University’s officials in the section "I ask you to break the rules!," in which they ask ‘as an exception’ to disregard the provisions of the current legislation or the by-laws of St Petersburg University. As practice has shown, the publicity of such appeals has led to a significant decrease in the flow of inappropriate requests and demands.
Open competitions for St Petersburg University grants
On the initiative of Rector Nikolay Kropachev, the University implements the right of academic and teaching staff to freely participate in the open competition for grants from St Petersburg University to conduct research. Previously, the ability to exercise this right had been limited by predetermined faculty quotas. At present, grants are provided based on the results of a unified competition, in which only the content of the application matters, but not the applicant's belonging to a particular team (Basic rights of the academic staff at St Petersburg University).
The Ethics Committee of St Petersburg University
Relatively recently (in the spring of 2011), on the initiative of Rector Nikolay Kropachev, the Ethics Committee of the Academic Council of St Petersburg University was established at the University as a special guarantee of the rights of the University staff and students. Any University student or employee can apply there if they believe that the ethical standards by which the University lives have been violated in relation to him or her (How does the University solve ethical issues?, Ethics Committee).
Separation of administrative and academic powers
The principle of differentiation of administrative and academic powers has been implemented at the University for several years.
Academic and teaching staff can use the Virtual Reception portal in order to solve issues that they face: they can directly contact the University officials responsible for certain aspects of the University life, without the necessity to contact transfer members (Saving time — for development). The heads of departments and laboratories, deans of faculties, and directors of institutes therefore cease to be dispatchers and focus on solving the academic issues of their teams.
Active involvement of employers in the University’s life
Employers started being involved in the work of state examination boards of St Petersburg University in 2016 on the initiative of Rector Nikolay Kropachev. Their interest and impartiality gave exactly the result that had been expected at the University. Many members of examination boards have had a desire to help the University even more actively. Assessing the quality of graduates' training and their readiness for a future professional life, employers express their desire to get involved in University life at an earlier stage. Currently, employers have a real impact on the University life. They develop requirements for future specialists (from applicants to graduates). They are members of: the councils of academic programmes; admissions committees; teaching methodology committees; scientific committees; and state examination boards (Learn more about engagement with employers)
The first ever e-library
The Law Branch of the M Gorky Scientific Library at St Petersburg University is the first fully computerised branch library in Russia. It is an integral library information and computer complex, with an e-catalogue and an e-library card being introduced back in 1998. For the series of works "Developing new learning technologies based on the library information and computer complex" for higher education institutions, St Petersburg University employees won the 2001 Presidential Prize in Education.
Awards and honorary titles
Anatoly Koni Medal (Order No 257-k of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation; 1999)
Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (1999)
Presidential Prize in Education (2001)
Order of Honour (Order No 147 of the President of the Russian Federation as of 6 February 2004)
Lapel pin "Honorary Worker of Justice of Russia" (Order No 263-k of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation; 2004)
Russian Government Prize in Education (2007)
Award pin "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (2008)
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV class (Decree No 131 of the President of the Russian Federation as of 8 February 2009)
Award pin "Lawyer of the Year" (Order No 271 of the Association of Lawyers of Russia as of 26 November 2010)
Laureate of the highest legal award "Lawyer of the Year" in the nomination 'Legal Science and Education' (2010)
Anatoly Koni Medal (Order of the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation; 2010)
Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2010)
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III class (Decree No 402 of the President of the Russian Federation as of 4 June 2014)
Mikhail Speransky Russian Law Award (2015)
Professor Emeritus at Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration (Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
Medal for Assistance from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Order of the Rising Sun, III degree, Gold and Silver Star (Japan, 2016)
Honorary Citizen of Seoul (South Korea, 2018)
Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Law and History at the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" (Bulgaria)
Novozhilov Prize in Social Sciences (2019)
Order of Alexander Nevsky (Decree No 240 of the President of the Russian Federation as of 29 May 2019)
Commemorative medal "XXV years of the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District" (2020)
Commemorative sign "100 years of the 1st Western (Leningrad) District Military Court" (2020)
Medal "XXX years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" (2021)
"Mikhail Speransky Medal" of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (2022)
Medal "300 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia"
Honorary medal for services to St Petersburg Metropolitan "100 years since the death of Hieromartyr Benjamin, Metropolitan Archbishop of Petrograd and Gdov" (2022)
"Peter the Great 350th Anniversary" commemorative medal (2022)
"Social Partnership" commemorative badge (2022)
Badge of Merit "30th Anniversary of the Arbitration Court of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region" (2022)
Medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "For Solidarity in the Face of Emergency" (2023)
Medal "300th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (2024)
Medal "Federation Council. 20 years" (2024)
Honorary Certificate for long-term cooperation with the Secretariat of the IPA CIS Council and in connection with the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State University" (2024)
Honorary Certificate of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the staff of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State University" for many years of conscientious work and achievements in education and research (2024)
Commemorative Badge "100 years of the 1st Western (Leningrad) District Military Court" (2024)
Order of Merit for the Fatherland of II class for active public activity and contribution to the patriotic education of the youth (2024)
Research interests
- Education law
- Theory of state and law
- Criminology
- Criminal law
He is the author of over 80 scholarly works, teaching and learning guides, including a number of monographs and textbooks.
The number of publications in the Web of Science — 35, Scopus — 12, Russian Scientific Citation Index — 150, eLIBRARY — 203.
h-index: Web of Science — 2, Scopus — 2, Russian Scientific Citation Index — 22, eLIBRARY — 24.
- Values in education and the modern university. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Management. Vol. 39 № 2, 2023 — (a journal article, co-author)
- Developing of a system of performance indicators for the academic staff education and research activity: the case of St Petersburg University. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Management. Vol. 22 № 2, 2023 — (a journal article, co-author)
- Risk-oriented approach in state control (supervision) in the field of education. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, № 2, Vol. 2, 2023 — (a journal article, co-author)
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 22. Moscow, 2022
- "Theology and Education 2021". Yearbook of the Scientific and Educational Theological Association / Moscow, 2022
- "Greetings from Rector of St Petersburg University Nikolay Kropachev". Proceedings of the 23rd International Scientific and Practical Conference. St Petersburg, 2022
- Criminal Law of Russia: A Special Part. Textbook, co-author, 4th edition, revised, 2022
- Issues in the Resource, Identity and Integration of the Russian language: A Special Part. Textbook, co-author, 4th edition, revised, 2022
- Criminal Law of Russia: A Special Part. Textbook, co-author, 3rd edition, revised, 2021
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 21. Moscow, 2021
- International engagement of St Petersburg University as an element of the "soft power" of the Russian Federation. International Affairs, 2021
- Accessibility of general education; constitutional content. Article, co-author. Journal of Constitutional Justice, 2021 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Reports on the language situation in China: language policy. Author of the foreword. St Petersburg University Publishing House, 2021
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 20. Moscow, 2020
- A new regulatory framework for education: a collection of expert opinions. Scientific editor, author of the foreword. St Petersburg University Publishing House, 2020
- 10 years of monitoring law enforcement at St Petersburg University. Scientific editor, author of the foreword. St Petersburg University Publishing House, 2020
- Monitoring law enforcement 2019-2020: a collection of works by St Petersburg University’s experts. St Petersburg, 2020 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Report of the Presidential council for civil society and human rights "Green turn". Co-author. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020.
- Russia and the Republic of Korea: Past, present, and future. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, № 2, 2020 – (a journal article, co-author)
- The Official Language of the Russian Federation is Clear Russian. The world of Russian word, № 2, 2020 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Unity of the system of state universities in today’s Russia. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Management, № 2, 2020 – (a journal article, co-author)
- The notion of state language. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Language and literature, № 1, 2020 – (a journal article, co-author)
- The problem of social communication illustrated by the typical mistakes in legal documents when written in the state language of the Russian Federation. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Language and Literature, № 2, 2019 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Introduction to Russian Law. Collection of papers. Institute of Comparative Law. Belgrade. 2019
- The official language of the Russian Federation: Legal standards and language standards. Co-author, 2019
- Proceedings of the 9th International Congress "Sport, People, Health". International Public Organisation for the Promotion of Science and Sports "Sport, People, Health", Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, Russian Olympic Committee, Government of St Petersburg, etc. 2019.
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue No 19. Moscow, 2019
- The first university of the Russian Empire. Co-author. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. History, Vol. 64, № 1. 2019.
- What prevents Russian science from being effective? Journal "Yurist Vuza", 2019 – (a journal article, co-author)
- A single educational space is a conscious need. Report, author. 11th Congress of the Russian Union of Rectors, 2018
- Complex exam of foreign nationals: is there a difference between Russian language and Russian as a foreign language? The Russian language abroad, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Requirements for spoken Russian as national language of the Russian Federation. Gosudarstvenny yazik Rossii: normi prava i normi yazika, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- What should the dictionary of official language look like? Gosudarstvenny yazik Rossii: normi prava i normi yazika, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Conceptual development and regulatory support of national language policy of the Russian Federation. Gosudarstvenny yazik Rossii: normi prava i normi yazika, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- The military tribunal of the Leningrad front during the Great Patriotic War. St Petersburg University. St Petersburg, 2018
- Legislation on the state language in Russian judicial practice. Co-author. St Petersburg, 2018
- What has to be done to make the Russian language national? Gosudarstvenny yazik Rossii: normi prava i normi yazika, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Right of systems and right regulation of the Russian Federation. Belgrade, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Judicial control of proper use of contemporary standard Russian language. Gosudarstvenny yazik Rossii: normi prava i normi yazika, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Monitoring of Law Enforcement at SPbU. Zakon, 3, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 18. Moscow, 2018
- Diversity of genomic variants and population genetics of ethnic and regional groups across Russia. Biodiversity: Genomics and Evolution (BioGenEvo-2018). Symposium. Abstracts. 2018
- Criminal law of Russia. A common part. Textbook, co-author, 2018
- Complex exam of foreign nationals: is there a difference between Russian language and Russian as a foreign language? The Russian language abroad, № 6, 2018 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 17. Vol. 2, Moscow, 2018
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 17. Vol. 1, Moscow, 2018
- Lifelong learning as part of social responsibility of modern classical university. Universities in Euroasian educational environment. Euroasian universities in the 21 century series, 2017 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Judicial control of proper use of contemporary standard Russian language. Zakon, 3, 2017 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Conceptual development and regulatory support of national language policy of the Russian Federation. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Law, 1, 2017 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Requirements for Spoken Russian as National Language of the Russian Federation. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Language and Literature, 4, 2017 – (a journal article, co-author)
- When the law – what a drawbar .... State language studies at St Petersburg University. St Petersburg, 2017 – (a journal article, co-author)
- The language in which the laws are written is sometimes understood by no more than 5% of Russians. State language studies at St Petersburg University. St Petersburg, 2017– (a journal article, author)
- What is needed for the Russian language to become the state language? State language studies at St Petersburg University. St Petersburg, 2017 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Clarity of language is also the path to happiness. Interview. State language studies at St Petersburg University. St Petersburg, 2017
- Criminology, 2016 – (a teaching and learning guide, co-author)
- Mikhail V. Kovalchuk: In Honour of the 70th birthday. Physics-Uspekhi, 2016 – (co-author)
- What has to be done to make the Russian language national? Zakon, 10, 2016 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Interview with Prof. Nikolay Kropachev, PhD in Law, Rector of St Petersburg University, Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region (a branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia). Yuridicheskiy Mir, 5, 2016
- The meaning of the normative acts "somehow" is understood by up to 20% of citizens. Izvestiya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Natural Science. 2016 – (a journal article, co-author)
- The meaning of the normative acts "somehow" is understood by up to 20% of citizens. Izvestiya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Engineering Science. 2016 – (a journal article, co-author)
- There is no right for error. Texts of textbooks and norms of the state language. Literary newspaper. 2016– (a journal article, co-author)
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 15. Moscow, 2015
- Russian law in brief: digest for foreign investors, co-author. Beijing, 2015
- Going for the Nobel Prize: St Petersburg University launches unique genome Russia Project. Yurist vuza, 4, 2015 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Russian language: challenges and trends. Russkiy, 11, 2015 – (a journal article, author)
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 15. Moscow, 2014
- Russian law in brief: digest for foreign investors, co-author, 2014
- Criminal Law of Russia: Special part, 2014 – (a textbook, co-author)
- Legal education in Russia is neither well-rounded, nor unified, nor consistent. Zakon, 1, 2014 – (a journal article, author)
- The name of the game — transparency in decision-making. Rodina, 3, 2014 – (a journal article, author)
- In support of the Russian language: from language clinics to economic incentives. Universitetskaya kniga, 10, 2014 – (minutes of the round table, co-author)
- Russian Law in brief, 2013 – (co-author)
- Criminology, 2013 – (a teaching and learning guide, co-author)
- Criminal Law of Russia: general part, 2013 – (a textbook, co-author)
- Compulsory execution of acts of courts and other bodies. Powers of officials in the implementation of executive actions. Editorial board. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2013
- A Word to the reader. Klio, 10 (82), 2013 – (a journal article, author)
- Our top priority: engagement of academic staff and students in learning and research. Peterburgsky urist, 1, 2013 – (a journal article, author)
- Criminology. Co-author, Study guide, 3rd generation standard. St Petersburg Political Science Journal, 2013
- Russian law in brief, co-author, 2012
- Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as a democratic institution. Constitutional control: theory and practice, Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of the 20th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, 2012 – (a journal article, author)
- Novgorod first chronicle. Berlin list. St Petersburg, 2011
- Russian law in brief: digest for foreign investors, co-author, 2011
- Legal regulation of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Korea: comparative legal analysis. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Pravovedenie, 5 (298), 2011 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Truth be told, I am a workaholic. Rossijskoe pravo. obrazovanie, praktika, nauka, 1 (72), 2011 – (a journal article, author)
- Great reforms and modernisation of Russia. Editorial board. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom, 2011
- Research works. Russian Academy of Legal Sciences. Issue № 11. Moscow, 2011
- Criminal Law of Russia: special part, 2010 – (a textbook, co-author)
- On the concept of international terrorism. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Pravovedenie, 1 (288), 2010 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Law schools need public accreditation. Sudia, 1, 2010 – (a journal article, author)
- Penal Law. Subject syllabus for main field of study 030500 – Law, 2009 – (subject syllabus, co-author)
- Russian economy has to be advanced. Etnosotsium i mezhnatsionalnaya kultura, 7 (23), 2009 – (a journal article, author)
- First results of admissions 2009. Yurist vuza, 11, 2009 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Commentary on the Federal Law "On the State Language of the Russian Federation". St Petersburg, Vol. 1. Doctrinal and regulatory commentary, 2009
- Russia and the revolution of 1917: the experience of history and theory. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference, St Petersburg University, St Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008
- Criminal Law of Russia. Subject syllabus for main field of study 030500 – Law, 2007 – (subject syllabus, co-author)
- Natural resource law, environmental law, land law. Legal regulation of responsibility in the field of environmental management. The curriculum for the master's programme, co-author. St Petersburg University. Faculty of Law. St Petersburg, 2007
- Creation of a medical treatment-prevention and educational-scientific centre of St Petersburg University for the implementation of a system of continuous fundamental professional medical education and treatment and preventive care for students and academic staff (scientific, practical and methodological development). Medicine of the 21st century. 2007
- Criminal Law of Russia: general part. St Petersburg University, Faculty of Law, 2006 – (a textbook, co-author)
- Criminal Law of Russia: general part, 2006 – (a textbook, co-author)
- Future of pseudo-intellectual property. St Petersburg University, 14–15, 2006 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Life and writings of Prof. Mikhail D. Shargorodsky. Criminal Law of Russia: past, present, and future, Proceedings of the Research Conference in Commemoration of Prof. Mikhail D. Shargorodsky, 2005 – (a journal article, author)
- Russian criminal law: traditions, modernity, future. Proceedings of a scientific conference dedicated to M. D. Shargorodsky, 2005
- Educational Internet platforms: from resources to teaching methodology. Open Education, 1, 2005 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Criminology. Exam preparation guide, co-author. St Petersburg, 2005
- Criminology. St Petersburg University, 2004 – (a journal article, co-author)
- System of higher legal education in Russia: state-of-the-art and development prospects. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 5 (256), 2004 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Interview with Prof. Nikolay Kropachev, PhD in Law, Dean of the Faculty of Law, St Petersburg University. Zakonodatelstvo, 8, 2004
- Criminology. St Petersburg University, 2003 – (a text book for university students, co-author)
- Criminology, 2003 – (an exam preparation guide, co-author)
- Legal education in Russia: choosing a pathway. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 2 (247), 2003 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Peace, security, and international law: a glimpse into the future. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 5 (250), 2003 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Introduction from Chair Prof. Nikolay Kropachev, PhD in Law, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Chairman of the Charter Court of St Petersburg, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 5 (250), 2003
- Pass Kozak’s draft. Russian Federation today, 3, 2003 – (a journal article, author)
- Institute of Governors General and Viceroyalty in the Russian Empire. St Petersburg, 2003
- Criminal Law. General part: teaching aid, 2002 – (a teaching aid, co-author)
- Legal studies. Subject syllabus for the Faculty of Sociology, 2002 – (subject syllabus, co-author)
- Guidelines on the general part of criminal law, co-author, 2002
- Charter Court of St Petersburg. Urist i Bukhgalter, 4, 2002 – (a journal article, author)
- Institute of Governors General and Viceroyalty in the Russian Empire. St Petersburg, 2001
- Regulatory mechanism of Criminal Law, 2000 – (a post-doctoral thesis in law)
- Regulatory mechanism of Criminal Law, 2000 – (a synopsis of the post-doctoral thesis in law)
- Regulatory mechanism of Criminal Law: Criminal Liability, 2000 – (a teaching and learning guide, co-author)
- Criminal Law regulation: mechanism and system, 1999 – (an author)
- On the concept of perpetrator in the Criminal Law of Russia and Netherlands. Legal reforms in Russia and beyond, Inter-university collection of papers, 1997 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Criminal defence of non-proprietor’s property rights. Vestnik of St Petersburg University, Series 6, 3, 1997 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Principles of Russian Criminal Law. Criminal law and modernity. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Krasnoyarsk, 1997
- Criminology. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 1 (212), 1996 – (a course of lectures, co-author)
- Crimes and punishments. Novyye Sankt-Peterburgskiye vrachebnyye vedomosti, 1996 – (a journal article, author)
- Criminal legislation of the Russian Federation with a comparative analysis of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1996) and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (1960). St Petersburg University, Faculty of Law and Special Faculty of Law. St Petersburg, 1996
- Decent life for decent people. St Petersburg University, 17, 1996 – (a journal article, author)
- Criminal Law of Russia: special part. St Petersburg University, 1995 – (a textbook, co-author)
- Subjects of regulatory criminal law relations. Problems of Criminal Responsibility and Punishment. Krasnoyarsk, 1995 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Death in funeral rites in Russia from the Proto-Slavs to the post-Soviet period: a historical and literary study. Reviewer, St Petersburg, 1995
- The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with official article-by-article comments in 2 volumes. St Petersburg University, Faculty of Law. St Petersburg. Volume 1, 2. 1994
- The legal nature of compulsory educational measures applied to persons who have committed a crime under the age of eighteen. Vestnik of St Petersburg University. Series 6: Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Law. 1993 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Modern Criminal Law: issues of crime and punishment. St Petersburg University, 1992 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Criminology: general part, 1992 – (a textbook, co-author)
- The concept of criminal personality. Criminology: general part, 1992 – (a textbook, author)
- Commentary to new Criminal Legislation: amendments from 1988 to 1991, 1991 – (a journal article, co-author)
- General principles of imposing liability for crimes. Issues in criminal policy, Inter-university collection of papers, 1991 – (a journal article, author)
- The principle of justice in imposing liability for crimes. Issues in the improvement of legislation on crime prevention, 1991 – (a journal article, author)
- The principle "Everything Which is not Forbidden is Allowed" in Criminal Law regulation. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 3, 1991 – (a journal article, co-author)
- The Concept of Criminal Law sanction. Vestnik of Leningrad University, Series 6, 2, 1991 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Trubnikov V. M. Social adaptation of those released from serving the sentence. Kharkov, Publishing House "Osnova" at Kharkov State University, 1990. Vestnik of Leningrad University. Series 6: Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Law. 1991
- Principles of imposing liability for crimes. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 6, 1990 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Criminal record and its effect in Criminal Law. Vestnik of Leningrad University, Series 6, 2, 1990 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Methodical instructions for the course "Criminal law": changes and additions to the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Zhdanov Leningrad State University, Faculty of Law. Department of Criminal Law. Leningrad, 1990
- Regulatory mechanism of Criminal Law: standards, legal relation, liability, 1989 – (a co-author)
- Soviet corrective Labour Law. Leningrad University, 1989 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Criminal liability and sanctions in Criminal Law standards. Guarantee of human rights and enforcement of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Legislation, Collection of papers, 1989 – (a collection of papers, co-author)
- On the foundations of Criminal Legislation of the USSR and its republics. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 2, 1988 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Social deviations: introduction to the general theory. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 3, 1988 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Criminal liability and punishment. Vestnik of Leningrad University, Series 6, 1, 1987 – (a journal article, co-author)
- A. I. Korobeev. Soviet criminal law policy: problems of criminalisation and penalisation. Vladivostok, Publishing House of the Far Eastern University, 1987. Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Jurisprudence. 1989
- Methodical instructions for the course "Criminal law". The special part. Changes and additions to the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Zhdanov Leningrad State University, Faculty of Law. Leningrad, 1988
- V. V. Orekhov. Sociology in the science of criminal law: textbook. Publishing House of Leningrad University. 1985. Vestnik of Leningrad University. Series 6: History of the CPSU, scientific communism, philosophy, law. 1987
- Legal nature of exemption from criminal lLiability. Issues in criminal liability and punishment, 1986 – (a collection of papers, co-author)
- On the concept of legal relations. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii, 3, 1986 – (a journal article, co-author)
- Legal relations in Criminal Law, 1984 – (a doctoral thesis in law)
- Legal relations in Criminal Law, 1984 – (a synopsis of the doctoral thesis in law)
- Legal behaviour in Criminal Law and social relations. Vestnik of Leningrad University, 2, 1984 – (a journal article, author)
- On the methodology of research in legal relations in Criminal Law. Vestnik of Leningrad University, 4, 1983 – (a journal article, author)