300th anniversary of St Petersburg University
Love and Death: Nikolai Gogol and the peculiarities of his poetics
The Representative Office of St Petersburg University in Spain invites you to an online lecture titled "Love and Death: Nikolai Gogol and the peculiarities of his poetics", delivered by Nina Shcherbak, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
SPbU Flag That Travelled to Space to Be Handed Over to the University
As part of the celebrations for SPbU Day, cosmonauts from Roscosmos will deliver a flag that travelled aboard the International Space Station (ISS) during the University’s 300th anniversary year. The flag will be handed over by the crew of ISS Expedition 71, including Hero of Russia and crew commander Oleg Kononenko, as well as cosmonauts Nikolai Chub and Alexander Grebenkin.
SPbU Applicant Day
On the anniversary of the University’s foundation, SPbU will host a major event for school students, students and their parents — the Applicants’ Day.
Life on other worlds: hypotheses and the search for extraterrestrial life
SPbU Representative Office in Spain invites you to the online lecture "Life on other worlds: hypotheses and the search for extraterrestrial life". The lecture will be given by Anton Sheikin, theoretical physicist and associate professor at SPbU.