Analytical Journalism
In Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
Programme description
- The programme "Analytical Journalism" is unique in its structure that is unparalleled in Russian and foreign education: it covers the legal sphere, social and everyday life, ethno-cultural interaction, politics, culture, and scientific and educational practices to name just a few. The content of the programme is complemented by courses on: the history, technology, psychology of analytical journalism; speech culture; popular science and investigative journalism; and the methodology of analytical work in the print and audiovisual media and in the online environment. Copious subject areas and techniques open up a wide choice for students to: meet their intellectual needs; and fulfil their personal abilities and professional identity. In-depth media research on current issues and situations promotes positive dynamics in public life and maximises the professional and creative potential of the journalist
- The programme is designed for applicants with degrees in journalism and other fields. It provides graduates with an opportunity to: apply specialised knowledge of different areas of social practice to analytical journalism; and improve those professional knowledge and skills that are much-in-demand in the labour market
Main courses
- Analytical Political Journalism
- Intercultural Communications
- Conflictology of Journalism
- Analytical Journalism in Culture
- Techniques for Investigative Journalism
- Analytical Journalism in Online Environment
- Psychology of Analytical Journalism
- Historical Research in Journalism
- Leisure Journalism
- Popular Science Journalism
Our advantages
- The programme is multidisciplinary. It covers copious fields of knowledge and professional activities: political science, sociology, psychology, law, cultural studies, design, history, and social communication to name just a few
- Master’s students participate in research and professional and practical projects of the department and the media
- The programme cooperates with Russian and foreign partners
- The programme focuses on developing analytical skills of master’s students. This lays the ground for their further studies in doctoral programmes, and research and teaching activities to name just a few