History of Russian Civilisation
In Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
Programme description
- The master’s programme "History of Russian Civilisation" is designed to train experts in the history of Russia, who are capable of conducting research and teaching activities at the highest standards, set by the practitioners of world historiography
- The programme combines the rich research experience of the St Petersburg School of History and an interest in the challenges, themes and methods of contemporary historiography The programme is aimed at developing in students a holistic set of professional competencies necessary for a specialist in the history of Russia and Russian civilisation
Main courses
- Socio-economic and Socio-political Issues in the History of Russia in the 18th — Early 20th Centuries
- Historiography of the History of Pre-Petrine Russia
- Source Studies of the History of Pre-Petrine Russia
- Source Studies of the Russian History of the 18th — Early 20th Centuries
- Personality in the History of Russia
- Historical Memory of the Russian Society
- Modern Theory and Methods of Studies in Cultural History: Recent Concepts of Cultural History
Our advantages
The mission of the programme is to train a new generation of historians of Russia who: feel familiar with different periods and aspects of the centuries-old history of Russian civilisation and modern historiography; and are aware of its tools.
Main areas of research
- The main issues and specific features of the historical process in Russia from ancient times to the 20th century
- Features of Russian civilisation
- Issues in source studies and historiography of the history of pre-Petrine Russia
- Issues in source studies and historiography of the history of imperial Russia
- Socio-economic and political development of Russian society
- State formation in Russia in the 15th — 20th centuries
- The history of the government and society relations in the 19th — early 20th centuries
- The history of Russian culture, science and education
Career opportunities
Graduates of the programme have a wide scope of professional activities in the field of historical sciences:
- research activities (specialist in research and development)
- teaching activities (educator in the field of preschool, primary general, compulsory, secondary general education; educator in cultural and educational centres)
- organisational and managerial activities (specialist in organisational support and records administration)
- cultural and educational activities (librarian, guide, specialist in archiving, specialist in the production of broadcasting media, media editor)
- expert and analytical activities (expert)