Sociology in Russia and China
39.04.01 In English and Russian
Level of education Master
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 2 years
The master’s programme "Sociology in Russia and China" is the first academic programme in Russia to train master’s students in Sociology capable of conducting comparative sociological studies of the development processes in the Russian and Chinese societies.
The programme is unique in that:
- it has its own resource centres for empirical social research
- there are a large number of experts in all scientific areas of sociology
- it provides an opportunity to participate in research projects and international scientific events organised by the Russian—Chinese Centre for Comparative Social, Economic and Political Research founded in 2004
- The programme cooperates with leading universities, academic institutes and centres, and governmental and business structures of Russia and China. This ensures the possibility of effective internships and further employment. Graduates of this master’s programme in sociology can continue their education in doctoral programmes
- The programme is designed to train experts who are capable of conducting comprehensive comparative sociological research into the socio-economic and socio-political development of Russian and Chinese societies
- The programme contributes to the active involvement of graduates in international academic and other professional networks (consultancy, analytics, management, participation in research and business projects). It also provides opportunities to continue their research and study in doctoral and PhD programmes
- Modern Social and Political Development of Russia and China
- Current Social Policy in Russia and China
- Social and Economic Demography of Russia and China
- Family Policy in Russia and China
- Gender Sociology in Russia and China
- Sociological Research in Labour Markets and the Organisational Culture in Russia and China
- History of Sociology: Classical Foundations of Modern Sociology
- Sociology Teaching Methods for Institutions of Tertiary Education
- Research Methodology and Methods in Sociology
- Economic Sociology
- Modern Social and Economic Development of Russia and China
- Modern Culture of Russia and China: A Sociological Analysis
- This is the first academic programme in Russia to train master’s students in Sociology capable of conducting comparative sociological studies of the development processes in the Russian and Chinese societies
- The training is based on the project of comparative sociological research carried out since 2002 by sociologists from St Petersburg University and their colleagues from various universities in China. These studies, with their results extensively presented in lecture courses read in the programme, include analyses of the following: market reform processes; changes in the social, economic and political communications of Russia and China; development of socially responsible businesses; civil society institutions; the impact of socio-cultural transformations on the economy; ‘knowledge economy’ formation; the transformation of labour markets; the education system; urbanisation; and migration processes in the two countries
- Completion of this programme allows graduates to conduct analytical, research, organisational and administrative, and expert pedagogical work in: state and municipal agencies; academic research organisations; international inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations; Russian, Chinese and other firms and companies with foreign ownership; mass media; and higher education institutions
- The programme is up-to-date due to the demand for sociologists who: have wide knowledge in the field of comprehensive research of various aspects of social development; and have the skills to organise and conduct comparative sociological research, monitor socio-economic and socio-political processes both at the level of society as a whole and at the level of individual social groups, organisations, firms and companies of Russia and China
- Political sociology
- Sociology of international relations
- Social and political development of Russia and China
- Sociology of globalisation
- Gender sociology
- Social ecology
- Economic sociology
- Social and economic development of Russia and China
- Sociology of labour and organisations
- Sociology of finance
- Sociological analysis of living standards and quality of life
- Sociology of rural and urban areas
- Sociology of culture and inter-ethnic communication
- Sociology of youth, family and education
- Social and economic demography
- Migration studies
The programme is offered as a network programme.
The programme is implemented in cooperation with Renmin University of China (Agreement on Educational Cooperation № 08/2-04-P-014-029 dated 23 May 2014). Within the network cooperation with Chinese sociologists, joint research is implemented and the results are tested in the framework of joint scientific
Students have an opportunity to take part in academic mobility programmes in accordance with their research interests within the framework of St Petersburg University agreements with the world’s leading research centres. Cooperation agreements on academic mobility programmes between St Petersburg University and foreign partner universities are available via the link.
Academic partners:
- Renmin University of China (Beijing, China)
- Harbin Institute of Technology (China)
The graduates can work as sociologists-researchers for state and municipal authorities of Russia and China:
- at academic and departmental research organisations
- at organisations related to international cooperation in science, politics and business
- at international non-governmental political and charitable organisations, youth exchange organisations
The graduates can also work for Russian, Chinese and other foreign-owned businesses (industrial and commercial ones, as well as those operating in the service sector), in mass media (graduates get employed as reviewers and analysts) at institutions of higher and additional professional education.