General History
46.03.01 In English and Russian
Level of education Bachelor
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 4 years
The bachelor's programme ‘History’ develops a skills set that makes it possible to be versed in: the history of Russia; general history; the historical process in general and man's place in it; and cultural achievements as a result of historical development. The programme also focuses on developing students' research skills of working with historical records. Field research practices and internships at partner organisations provide professional market-oriented activities
- History of Russia
- Contemporary History of Russia
- History of Ancient Greece and Rome
- Medieval State and Law
- History of Slavic and Balkan Countries
- Modern and Contemporary History
- History of International Relations
- History of the USA
- Russian Historiography
- History of World Culture
- Ethnology and Social Anthropology
- Source Studies
- History of the Primeval Society and Fundamentals of Archaeology
The programme is designed to train experts who are capable of applying: the knowledge acquired during their studies in various fields of historical science; as well as skills and personal qualities in practice and professional activities.
The programme is aimed at developing in students a holistic understanding of the national distinctness of Russia, its place in world and European civilisation; acquiring a system of knowledge about the basic regularities and features of the world-wide historically important process, as well as the range of historical issues connected with the field of future professional activity.
- New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria)
- The University of Bergen (Norway)
- The University of Wrocław (Poland)
- Archaeological Practice
- Archive Practice
- Military-Patriotic Practice
- Museum Work Experience
- Teaching Practice
- Ethnographic Practice
- Researcher
- Archive worker
- Museum worker
- Librarian
- Creative professional
- Mass media professionals, specialists of editorial offices and publishing houses
- Specialist in historical, cultural and experiential tourism
- Guide
- Educator (children and youth leisure centres)
- Educator (cultural and educational centres)
- Educator (secondary schools and professional vocational education)