Petroleum Geology
21.03.01 In English and Russian
Level of education Bachelor
Type of instruction Full-time
Duration 4 years
- The programme is designed to train specialists in petroleum engineering. They will be able to: successfully solve problems ranging from prospecting of hydrocarbon deposits to the control of their development. Particular attention in students’ training is paid to the study of fundamental oil and gas geology, prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits
- The programme is unique in that it combines fundamental and special problems such as exploration and development of unconventional and hard-to-recover natural hydrocarbon reserves. The programme involves studying issues of management, marketing and energy policy, as well as solving special geological, geophysical and technological problems
- The programme is aimed at training specialists capable of solving complex problems in the field of exploration and development of natural hydrocarbon deposits, including non-traditional and difficult-to-recover reserves. The programme involves the development of professional competencies in the field of: digital transformation of the oil and gas industry and the economy; decarbonisation (Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage – CCUS); and the implementation of energy strategies of companies and the state
- The professional activities of graduates can be carried out in: institutions of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia; exploration and production companies; design and survey organisations; vertically integrated oil and gas companies; and academic and ministerial research institutions that solve fundamental and applied geological and petroleum issues. Graduates are prepared to field experience related to the production of hydrocarbons; they can also work in research laboratories and computer centres engaged in research and production
- Reservoir Geology
- Geographical Information Systems
- Geodynamics
- Geological Mapping and Structural Geology
- Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas
- Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Data for Hydrocarbon
- Geophysics
- Dynamics of Multi-Phase Filtration
- Isotope Geology
- Lithology
- Mathematical Methods and Modelling in Petroleum Geology
- Mineralogy and Crystallography
- Oil and Gas Provinces of the CIS Countries
- Geophysical Well Logging
- Petroleum Hydrogeology
- The programme is designed to train specialists in petroleum engineering. They will be able to: successfully solve problems ranging from prospecting of hydrocarbon deposits to the control of their development. Particular attention in training the students is paid to the study of fundamental oil and gas geology, prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits
- The programme is unique in that it combines fundamental and special problems such as exploration and development of unconventional and hard-to-recover natural hydrocarbon reserves
- The programme involves studying issues of management, marketing and energy policy, as well as solving special geological, geophysical and technological problems. This makes it possible for graduates to work successfully in public and private oil companies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries
- The programme is designed to meet professional standards and the opinions of employers
- The programme is implemented with the help of the Council of the academic programme
- Classes are held in classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art demonstration equipment and in specialised laboratories
Leading experts from oil companies, research and development organisations are involved in the implementation of the programme
- Federal State Budgetary Enterprise “State Commission on Mineral Reserves”
- Limited Liability Company "Gazpromneft Science and Technology Center"
- Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIIOkeangeologia"
- Joint Stock Company "Sevmorgeo"
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute"
- Federal State Unitary Research and Production Enterprise "Geologorazvedka"
While studying, students
- Take part in research activities conducted by St Petersburg University specialists
- Conduct independent research in the resource centres of St Petersburg University
- Take part in scientific conferences, symposia, contests, and academic competitions
Students can take part in various student exchange programmes within the framework of international agreements of St Petersburg University and international academic mobility programmes:
- Campus Europae
- Eranet-Mundus
- Finnish-Russian Cross-Border University (CBU)
- Finnish-Russian Student and Teacher Exchange Programme (FIRST)
They can also take advantage of international scholarships and grants (Posco Russia Fellowship, Fulbright, etc.).
Productive partnership relations have developed with universities and scientific institutions in:
- Germany
- Switzerland
- France
- the Czech Republic
- Austria
- Poland
- Hungary
- Sweden
- Finland
- Norway
- Great Britain
- Canada
- Japan
- Korea
As part of the curriculum, students have two field camps: geology and geodesy; and geological mapping. During these courses, they practice the main approaches to geological research. Students acquire skills in stratigraphic, lithological, geophysical and structural investigations, which will be required in their future career. After the 3rd year of their studies, students do internships at industry-specific companies, where they practice their professional skills in solving specific challenges in the oil and gas industry. Students are also actively invited to take part in work placements at industry-specific companies. As a result of a successful internship or work placement, they may be employed by oil and gas organisations.
- Oil Production Specialist
- Specialist in production geology
- Specialist in calculating and managing hydrocarbon reserves
The programme is internationally accredited by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE), EUR-ACE@Bachelor, the Certificate dated 16 December 2020, valid until 15 December 2025.
The programme has professional and public accreditation from the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), Certificate No 0522 dated 16 December 2020, valid until 15 December 2025.