Application period for admissions on a fee-paying (contractual) basis is coming to an end
For international applicants to bachelor’s degree, specialist degree, master’s degree programmes and doctoral programmes for training research and teaching staff on a fee-paying (contractual) basis the final date to submit the required documents is June 16, 2023.
In order to enter the competition for academic year 2023/24, applicants are required to create a Personal Account, fill out an application for admission and submit the supporting documents electronically. There is a video guide which demonstrates how to use the applicant’s Personal Account step by step.
The admissions tests are held online in the form of a competitive selection of documents (portfolio). Detailed information regarding the application process and admissions tests requirements is available on the Admissions Сommittee website.
Lists of applicants who have successfully passed admissions tests will be published on the SPbU Admissions Office website no later than July 10, 2023.