First Ecology Month at St Petersburg University is over
The first Ecology Month organised by the Environmental Committee of the Student Council at St Petersburg University has ended. The event was held with the support of the University Environmental Clinic and the Committee on Environmental Management, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety of St Petersburg.
"The first Ecology Month at St Petersburg University was able to cover a wide range of topics: waste management, legislation in the field of environmental protection, trends in the field of energy and much more. Many specialists from various scientific and industrial spheres were invited to participate in the debut event in order to discuss the most promising areas in ecology at the University site", said Ivan Serebritsky, Head of the Department of Geoecology at St Petersburg University, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Environmental Management, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety of St Petersburg.
In total, 11 different events were held within the framework of the St Petersburg University Ecology Month: round tables, ecological cruises, an intensive course on writing a term project, an environmental festival, a workshop on developing a programme to reduce the carbon footprint of St Petersburg University. A waste collection campaign and sharing events have also been held.

"This is the first time we have organised such a large event as part of the work of the Environmental Committee of the Student Council at St Petersburg University. Residents of St Petersburg and the Leningrad Region participated in the events, and representatives of Tatarstan joined the environmental quiz. Additionally, speakers from various cities in Russia and Georgia, with a significant number of online participants, addressed the students. I would like to highlight the environmental campaign in the Peterhof campus of St Petersburg University, where we managed to collect five kilograms of rare waste fractions. Many participants in the campaign expressed their gratitude towards us, with some even expressing interest in joining the Environmental Committee of the Student Council at the University themselves," said Elizaveta Dergileva, Chairman of the Environmental Committee of the Student Council at St Petersburg University.
She added that thanks to the environmental festival, which was also held within the framework of the St Petersburg University Ecology Month, some students managed to find a place for academic practice.
"On the first day of the festival, representatives of various environmental organisations discussed their activities and employment opportunities. The second day was dedicated to getting acquainted with public eco-movements, discussing eco-habits and training on public eco-inspection," said Daniil Akulov, Deputy Chairman of the Environmental Committee of the Student Council at St Petersburg University.