Mentoring programme to start career in IT
St Petersburg University and Nexign launch a joint mentoring programme to support students in building a career in the IT industry. Under guidance of mentors, participants of the programme will be able to develop an individual career plan and improve their skills.
Undergraduate (3-4 year) and master students of educational programmes in the field of physical, mathematical, computer, information sciences or economics, as well as graduates of SPbU can participate in the programme.
Applications will be accepted until October 20, 2022. Students can register to take part in the qualifying stage on the website of SPbU.
Programme will be of interest for students who plan to build a career in analytics, developing and testing. Senior developers, testers, analysts, team leads of one of the biggest IT companies in Russia will be mentors for students of the programme. Furthermore, students will get access to educational content of SPbU and Nexign to master soft and hard skills.
After meeting with Nexign representatives on October 28, students will start developing a career plan and will take part in three online meetings with mentors. Presentation of career plans and summing up results of the work are scheduled to take place at the University on December 15.