The Rector meets with the Student Council of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Process
A meeting has been held between Nikolay Kropachev, Rector of St Petersburg University, and the Student Council of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes. Among the representatives of the Student Council were Andrei Iordan, Chairman of the Student Council, and Veronika Chebotareva, Deputy Chairperson. They were elected in October 2024. The meeting brought together Aleksandr Babich, Senior Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Admissions; Vladimir Savinov, Vice-Rector for Educational Activities; and Leon Petrosyan, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes.
Nikolay Kropachev, Rector of St Petersburg University, asked the students how they obtain information about the life of the University: whether they read the minutes of the Rector’s meetings, which are regularly published on the Internet and sent to the students via corporate email addresses, or whether they read the section "A Fresh Start" of the St Petersburg University website. Andrei Iordan answered that he tries to read the minutes of the Rector’s meetings, yet sometimes he fails as he has a tight schedule of studies and social work. From the section "A Fresh Start", he recalled the news about the halls of residence (The University halls of residence: past and present), museums (The University museums: a victorious leap from the past into the future. Part one; The University Museums: a victorious leap from the past into the future. Part two), libraries (Malicious intent or criminal negligence?), and about the restoration of a unified University (On the way to a unified university: Vice-Rectors for the areas of study). The Rector emphasised the importance of studying these relevant materials to understand how the University lives and how it moves forward. He suggested that the Student Council members not only read these materials, but also send them to students with their recommendations.
Answering students’ questions, the Rector talked about how issues are resolved at the University and how they should be resolved. For example, students suggested organising a video recording studio at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Process to record lectures (the physicists, according to students, have such a studio). The second issue is the poor equipment of computer laboratories and an insufficient number of computers. The third issue is that there is no publicly accessible computer laboratory or coworking space. To discuss these complaints and suggestions, the Rector called Vladimir Starostenko, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and Information Security, via conference call. He explained that students had not approached him regarding the video recording studio, but for the past eight years he has regularly suggested that academic staff and students should create media content more actively. If there is a need, a studio can be opened. Nikolay Kropachev agreed with this proposal and said that this will not be a studio for physicists or mathematicians. This should be a video recording studio that all University students will use according to open and clear rules, like the use of equipment in the Research Park (Research Park: on the road to the future). To this end, it is necessary to develop rules for access to the studio equipment. The Rector asked the members of the Student Council of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Process to talk to other Peterhof student councils to study the need to open the studio.
In response to questions about additional computer classes, the Rector suggested using the library premises. Access to the premises of the library’s field-specific departments should be open to all students and pupils of the Academic Gymnasium. If these computer capacities are not enough, we can think about organising coworking spaces. Andrei Iordan said that a year and a half ago, an engineer from the University made estimation in regard to opening a coworking space in the recreation area. Yet, since then, in his opinion, nothing has changed. In this regard, Vladimir Starostenko mentioned that Wi-Fi coverage areas have been increased in the educational buildings of the Peterhof complex, a couple of coworking spaces have been launched in the halls of residence and in educational buildings.
Regarding the issue of equipment in computer laboratories, Vladimir Starostenko said that students can ask these questions directly to the heads of academic programmes and their teachers. They prepare syllabi of academic disciplines every year with information on the necessary computer parameters to ensure the implementation of academic programmes in the following academic year.
The members of the Student Council of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Process discussed with the Rector other issues that concern students. Among these issues are the following:
- low monthly student scholarships (Nikolay Kropachev explained that a monthly student scholarship does not depend on the decisions of the Rector. He reminded that, in addition to the increased state scholarship, St Petersburg University also has the following personal scholarships: Lomonosov Scholarship; Academician Fursenko Scholarship; and Academician Piotrovsky Scholarship to name just a few. The staff of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Process can establish their own personal scholarship, for example, named after Professor Zubov, the founder of the Faculty Applied Mathematics and Control Process. Dean Leon Petrosyan supported this idea);
- high prices in the canteens (the Rector explained that these prices are set in a competitive environment. There are no outside visitors in student canteens and there are no students there during the summer and winter holidays, yet the staff continues to receive a salary. Vladimir Savinov reminded that the St Petersburg University Student Council has a committee that deals with food issues, it can influence the range of dishes. Low-income students receive financial assistance to compensate for food costs);
- very high prices for copying documents in Hall of Residence No 10 (the Rector suggested checking this information and, if necessary, installing more copying machines);
- there is no public printer (the Rector replied that there are printers in the department premises and students can use them. The Rector instructed the Dean and the Heads of departments to solve this issue);
- why heads of study group are appointed by order at the suggestion of the Dean of the Faculty (the Rector responded that this is to increase the responsibility of the leaders to the faculty leadership. Aleksandr Babich gave examples of irresponsible actions of the so-called elected leaders. He said that the Student Council of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Process has the opportunity to evaluate the work of the leaders using the criteria for assigning an increased monthly student scholarship for community service);
- members of some student councils of faculties and institutes are not interested in general issues that are resolved by the Student Council of St Petersburg University (the Rector reminded that students at St Petersburg University have a wide range of rights that not all students at other universities have. Yet some of these rights, for example, the issue in disciplinary responsibility of students of the University, are resolved in agreement with the Student Council of St Petersburg University. Perhaps it makes sense to transfer this right to the student councils of institutes and faculties. All in all, the decision on the appointment of an increased scholarship is made by the student council of the institute or faculty. Nikolay Kropachev asked what other rights and powers of the Student Council of St Petersburg University can be transferred "down"?).