SPbU begins accepting documents from international applicants to fee-paying places
On 3 April 2023 St Petersburg University starts the document submission process for international applicants to places on the fee-paying (contractual) basis. The final date to submit the necessary documents is 16 June 2023.
The admissions tests are held in the form of a competitive selection of documents (portfolio).
Since applications are accepted electronically, each applicant is supposed to create a Personal Account on the University website and upload the required documents:
- Signed application for admission to an educational programme of the appropriate level in the format established by the Admissions Committee
- Consent of the Applicant to Personal Data Processing, Transmission and Storage
- Educational credential and supplements prepared according to the rules
- A copy of your identity document. Please note that the applicant’s passport should be valid for at least 18 months after the beginning of the planned study period. If you need to get a Russian visa please fill in an application form for visa invitation and submit it to Personal Account
- Photo
- Documents required for competitive selection (Portfolio)
Lists of applicants who have successfully passed admissions tests will be published no later than 10 July 2023.
Detailed information regarding the application process and admissions tests requirements is available on the SPbU Admissions Committee website.