SPbU simplifies transfer regulations for prospective students from other universities
From now on, an academic difference when students reinstate or transfer to St Petersburg University from other universities to places on the fee-paying basis may be up to half of the curriculum. Previously, transfer to SPbU was only possible if the academic difference did not exceed 10 courses.
When students reinstate or transfer to St Petersburg University, there may be an academic difference in the curriculum that must be eliminated. In this regard, SPbU provides to the students an individual examination schedule in accordance with the Regulations of Education. According to the new Order of the Senior Vice-Rector for Academic Activities, academic difference must not exceed 50% of all courses of the programme that students choose to transfer or reinstate to. ‘By reducing the academic difference for transfer to SPbU we have significantly increased opportunities to study at St Petersburg University. Now students can apply and transfer to almost any course’, said Svetlana Begeza, Senior Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Activities at St Petersburg University.
"Management", "Psychology", "Advertising and Public Relations", "International relations", "Economics" and "Law" programmes are the most popular among those who wish to transfer to St Petersburg University.
Reinstatement and transfer of students to SPbU is carried out on a competitive basis upon successful completion of session if there are vacant places. It is allowed to apply request for transfer to SPbU with certain limitations throughout the entire period of study — from the first to the last year of education. For example, only students of educational organisations included in the world’s top 300 international rankings can be transferred to SPbU at the last year of study.