St Petersburg University expert: It is important to discuss the problem of obesity with both adults and children today
A press conference dedicated to the prevention and treatment of obesity has been held in St Petersburg at the Russian News Agency TASS. Elena Kharitonova, Head of the Department of Primary Medical and Special Training at St Petersburg University and a lecturer at the Russian Society "Znanie", took part in the conference.
The participants in the press conference called obesity a silent killer. Doctors estimate that around 2.5 billion people in the world today are overweight. Of these, 390 million are children and adolescents aged 5 to 19. In Russia, almost a quarter of the population is obese and every second person is overweight. Notably, in the last forty years, the number of overweight and obese patients has tripled.
Anyone can tell if they have a health problem without going to the doctor. To do this, you need to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI): your weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of your height in metres. Anyone who weighs more than 25 kilograms per square metre is considered overweight. Doctors recommend that you add a waist measurement to this calculation. The normal waist circumference should be less than 80 cm for women, and less than 94 cm for men. Measurements above the norm seriously increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The most common causes of obesity and overweight, according to the participants in the press conference, are excessive calorie intake and a lack of physical activity. This imbalance leads to serious diseases. The experts noted that obesity shortens a person’s life: it increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, depression, and mental health problems. It also impairs reproductive function. According to the World Health Organization, obesity kills around 5 million people every year.
Much of the work to educate people in Russia about health and disease prevention is being done by the Russian Society "Znanie" and St Petersburg University. 'St Petersburg University is the flagship of the regional branch of the Russian Society "Znanie",' said Elena Kharitonova. She explained: ‘We hold a lot of open lectures. We have launched online courses, where there is also the topic of healthy eating. We also touch upon the issues of fighting obesity. We will definitely continue our educational work in this direction.’

Since a fresh start of the Russian Society "Znanie" in 2021 to date, the community of lecturers has grown to more than 23,000 people who have delivered over 115,000 lectures in 89 regions of Russia. More than 7,000 hours of educational content have been created on a wide range of topics: science, technology, space, culture and art, history, medicine, sports and others.
'The election of Nikolay Kropachev, Rector of St Petersburg University, as Chairman of the Regional Branch of the Russian Society "Znanie" in 2022 has given a strong impetus to educational activities, including through the capabilities of the Association of Leading Universities and the Council of Rectors of the Northwestern Federal District. The efforts of universities, schools, government agencies and business entities are being combined. The number of lecturers is being increased; scientific achievements are being popularised; and innovations are being introduced into the educational process,' said Elena Kharitonova.
According to her, lectures on healthy lifestyle are the most important part of the activities of the Russian Society "Znanie". It is the work with a wide audience, including young people, children and their parents, that creates an understanding of the importance of disease prevention and maintaining healthy habits. 'The lecturers of the Russian Society "Znanie" are able to talk about the complex in a simple way, to talk to those who have faced a specific problem and to talk to those who are now in the risk zone,' explained Elena Kharitonova.