St Petersburg University once again ranked among the best universities offering adapted physical education programmes

St Petersburg University has been awarded in the category ‘Best University Offering Adapted Physical Education programmes’. The 2022 award ceremony for achievements in the field of adapted physical education was held at the Special Olympics Prom. The event is held annually with the support of the St Petersburg Sports Federation for Persons with Disabilities and the Special Olympics Committee of St Petersburg.
St Petersburg University and the Special Olympics Committee of St Petersburg share a more than 30-year history of cooperation. As part of this cooperation, many sporting events have been held, including preparations for the All-Russian Special Olympics Tournament in Football and for the Special Olympics International Games.
Students of the College of Physical Training and Sports, Economics and Technology at St Petersburg University are actively involved in volunteering. This provides ample opportunities for improving professional competences and building interpersonal and teamwork skills.
With the support of the Special Olympics Committee of St Petersburg, St Petersburg University has designed an educational course ‘The Adaptation Cycle’, included in the College curricula. The course focuses on developing competences and skills required to work with diverse population groups. The course syllabus consists of four educational modules: ‘Principles of Intellectual Activity’; ‘Communication Skills Workshop’; ‘Methodological Framework for Organising Adapted Physical Education and Sports’; and ‘Effective Labour Market Behaviour and Professional Career’.
In the ‘Communication Skills Workshop’, students guided by psychologists learn to navigate a new work environment, explore different ways of developing communication skills, and practise skills for building effective business communication.
The educational module ‘Principles of Intellectual Activity’ focuses on developing students’ independent learning and self-organised learning skills. Students also improve their team building skills and problem-solving skills, which will translate into critical dividends in their professional life. The module ‘Effective Labour Market Behaviour and Professional Career’ provides valuable insight into how to: increase graduates’ socio-professional mobility and maximise their career potential; and adapt to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions and find employment.
In addition, St Petersburg University holds an annual all-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation ‘Physical culture and sports in the educational space: innovations and development prospects’.