Victor Titov: "The G.O.R.K.I. Centre at St Petersburg University is an interdisciplinary project, a real-world business factory"

Viktor Titov, Vice-Rector of St Petersburg University, who is also responsible for, among other things, the activities of the G.O.R.K.I. Centre at St Petersburg University, has told us about the development and achievements of the G.O.R.K.I. Centre at St Petersburg University, about the experience of working together with Karin Kneissl, Director of the G.O.R.K.I. Centre, and about promising areas for the development of world-class centres and laboratories at St Petersburg University.
At the St Petersburg International Economic Forum 2023, St Petersburg University presented the Geopolitical Observatory for Russia Key Issues (G.O.R.K.I. Centre). What is unique about the G.O.R.K.I. Centre and how does it work?
The G.O.R.K.I. Centre at St Petersburg University is an interdisciplinary project, a real-world business factory implementing educational and expert‑analytical activities. It studies the most important geopolitical, international economic and socio-economic issues that influence the development of Russia. The scope of the Centre covers issues related to traditional energy, primarily the oil and gas market, and the coal industry; diplomacy; migration; and the interaction of the Russian Federation with friendly countries such as China, West, South and Southeast Asia, and North Africa.
The Centre is effective due to the synergistic effect of its "diamond," i.e. the director and leader, and the capabilities of the scientific and educational complex of the oldest university in Russia, capable of attracting leading representatives of the business community, financial and government structures.
What has the Centre already achieved and what priority areas of its development do you see in future?
The G.O.R.K.I. Centre develops various initiatives, from theoretical and practical crash courses and seminars with training modules on practising skills in multilateral negotiations according to the exclusive model of the Centre’s director to expert round tables, business breakfasts, open lectures and even "discussions by the fireplace." The G.O.R.K.I. Centre successfully represents St Petersburg University in collaborations with academic partners, such as Ural Federal University, Pacific National University, Kemerovo State University, Novgorod State University, and Saint Petersburg Mining University to name just a few. In just one year, we managed to organise 7 seminars, 5 round tables, 7 business breakfasts, 22 open lectures and lectures-discussions. Our experts also took part in 35 scientific, practical, business and socio-political events, including the St Petersburg International Economic Forum and the Eastern Economic Forum. Karin Kneissl has given 31 full-length interviews. We have recorded 49 podcasts on geopolitics and given more than 90 reports for 20 major federal television channels, print media, and international media.
We are planning to develop the above-mentioned areas of activity, since each of them has proven to be in great demand among students and young professionals. The areas of our work are adjusted by the advisory board, which consists of heads of departments of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and business representatives. In future, we are planning to attract representatives of other organisations that influence the development of the country.
We also intend to continue the global initiatives and ideas launched jointly with our partners, including: a pilot project to improve the higher education system in the Russian Federation; a migration agency with the working title "To Russia — with love"; an ecosystem of Russia’s gas statistics; implementing projects of the Russian Ministry of Energy jointly with the Russian Energy Agency; and educational events on patriotic education of youth in cooperation with the Defenders of the Fatherland State Foundation to name just a few.
In the distant future, we are also planning to launch the Nicholas Academy of Diplomacy, which would be named after the last Russian emperor. In the 1890s, Nicholas II initiated the convening of historical conferences in The Hague, which laid the foundation for a set of norms of international humanitarian law. The academy will prepare specialists in a format unique for Russia and provide a strong foundation to enable its graduates to gain immediate employment in diplomacy, international relations, government and politics.
Could you please tell us a little bit more about how you work with Karin Kneissl, Head of the G.O.R.K.I. Centre at St Petersburg University, and her educational activities?
Doctor of Law, Professor Karin Kneissl is not only a recognised expert in the field of diplomacy, energy, law, migration processes, public service, the author of more than a dozen books and many articles, but also an erudite, far-sighted professional, a person with encyclopaedic knowledge. Her high standards and extraordinary human qualities encourage everyone who comes into her circle to develop, acquire new knowledge, competencies and immediately apply them in practice.
This is exactly what Russian young people need now. She put special emphasis on youth work. She was awarded the title of Ambassador of Russian Education and Science. She intends to continue to share her experience over 40 years to young Russian colleagues. For example, what has a great resonance was the lecture by Dr Kneissl in the lecture hall of the Russian Society "Znanie" at the World Youth Festival in Sochi in March 2024. Just as other events where she has taken part.
The interdisciplinary expert in geopolitics and traditional energy Karin Kneissl is always a welcome guest at Saint Petersburg Mining University, where she shares her unique experience with young engineers and specialists in the oil and gas industry, who will shape the technological future of our country in just a few years.
Dr Kneissl is also involved in charity work, including animal protection. As a partner of the Amur Tiger Centre, she is an ambassador for the conservation of this rare animal in Russia. Owning two German Boxers, Karin Kneissl also actively collaborates with the association for the assistance of dogs of this breed.
A landmark event was the first presentation of the Russian-language edition of Karin Kneissl’s book Requiem for Europe, which took place on 8 June 2024 at St Petersburg University. Is it planned to translate and publish it in other languages?
Karin Kneissl’s book was originally written in German, and now the St Petersburg University Publishing House is preparing to publish a German-language version of the book and its translations into English, French, Chinese, and Arabic. The Russian-language edition has already won the hearts of not only Russians, but also the Russian-speaking population of other countries. Presentations of the book Requiem for Europe were also held in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, and Veliky Novgorod.
This book is a frank story of a person who chose to be true to her high ideals, a devoted citizen of the Europe where the rule of law existed and human rights were respected, and now a resident of Russia, which has become her new home.
Paying tribute to the wisdom of the Russian leadership, Karin Kneissl in her book talks about the growing role of Russia in the modern world and the shift of the "centre of geopolitical gravity" from the West to the East. She gives examples of making the right decisions in the most difficult circumstances, which can be taken as a guide to action by those who value their Fatherland.
For a long period of time, you have been supervising the area of study in economics at St Petersburg University. What are the three most important positive changes over the past few years?
Firstly, we are witnessing an ongoing transformation of stereotypes that underpinned the classical fundamental economic and financial education and now we can say that the team of economists is not perceived as an isolated, autonomous system. It is harmoniously integrated into the University and uses all its resources. This is how new educational tracks are born, such as Master of Science in Research Administration (MRA), Economics and Management in Art, Digital Transformation Based on Distributed Ledgers, and Management Healthcare Organisations to name just a few. Economists are involved in interdisciplinary scientific projects, for example, Carbon Polygon, Advanced Engineering School, Behavioural Finance, and Artificial Intelligence of the Second Wave to name just a few. Such update of the worldview and its adaptation to modern realities contribute to strengthening national sovereignty.
Secondly, we are trying to involve flagship partners from among large business, financial and government structures. They continuously improve the quality of the scientific and educational environment, and in some cases invest in promising young people. Today, we have built all necessary infrastructure: the Career Centre, a co-working area, the HR Clinic, the School of Career Consultants, and the Academy of Entrepreneurship.
Thirdly, we take a proactive position with regard to our country’s partners within the BRICS+ framework. Scientific, practical, educational and outreach activities are also carried out abroad through a network of interactions and collaborations. We also participate in the work of branches and representative offices of St Petersburg University.
What other issues do you consider to be a priority to work on?
Today, the foundation of high-quality scientific, academic or practice-oriented research for us is the effective work of world-class centres and laboratories, which underpins the way how the entire scientific and educational complex works. This requires the involvement of the maximum number of academic staff and early-career researchers, i.e. our undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Another urgent task is the painstaking work associated with the art of prompt presentation of the results of activities and their visualisation on the Internet, social media, email and messengers. We are also talking about a deeper use of artificial intelligence and blockchain tools.
Among the tasks related to the external environment, we can highlight career guidance to identify and support gifted children in schools and preschool institutions. There is another important task, that is developing the model "educational organisation — business," which implies that we are to sign large-scale contracts. By doing so, we can build a career path and research and educational trajectory. The external financing received within the framework of the model plays a very important role in the development of the team.
Finally, we are involved in the projects of federal significance within the framework of the activities of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in Science and Education of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation for Science and Education. These projects are primarily related to solving the most important issues related to the development of society and the country within the framework of the Decade of Science and Technology.