Why is it important to contact professional psychologists?

In St Petersburg, the TASS Russian News Agency has held a press conference to discuss the possibilities of receiving free and accredited psychological assistance and support in St Petersburg. Alla Shaboltas, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at St Petersburg University, Vice-President of the Russian Psychological Society, and a member of the Coordinating Council of the St Petersburg Psychological Society, took part in the conference.
When it comes to how to obtain professional education in psychology in St Petersburg and in Russia, there are a lot of opportunities to obtain a degree, Alla Shaboltas said. Since 2021, 64 universities in Russia have been preparing specialists in the programme "Clinical Psychology". The programme is implemented only in a full-time format for at least five and a half years. St Petersburg University and Lomonosov Moscow State University offer six-year programmes. It can be compared to preparing specialists in the medical field. It is impossible to become a doctor in one and a half to two months or even in a year. To become a doctor, you must study six years and then specialise in clinical residency and medical internship programmes. To become a good psychologist in a few months is also simply unthinkable.
A human is a very complex higher organism, whose experiences and state are determined by biological, psychological, and social factors. Dealing with symptoms such as depression requires teamwork, with each professional doing their part.
Alla Shaboltas, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at St Petersburg University, Vice-President of the Russian Psychological Society, and a member of the Coordination Council of the St Petersburg Psychological Society
Participants in the press conference assessed the availability of medical and psychological assistance and support to residents of St Petersburg provided in the city’s clinics; focused on the problems faced by both psychologists and patients; and discussed the ways how a clinical psychologist can be useful to doctors of other specialisations. The meeting also touched upon the topic of preparing qualified clinical psychologists and psychologists at universities to work in educational institutions. They also focused on employment issues for graduates.
During the press conference, the experts paid attention to the topic of depression: how to experience various emotional states in different life situations and how "true depression" differs from manifestations of laziness. They also discussed how important it is for adults to help children understand and cope with anxiety and depression.
Alla Shaboltas called on journalists and citizens not to be afraid to ask professionals for psychological assistance and support and ask what education, i.e. what degree, a psychologist has when they contact psychologists through advertisements. "You have the right to ask for psychological support from the best specialists and really understand who you have come to. Because a well-trained psychologist, understanding the complexity and interdisciplinarity of psychological problems, always tries to involve different specialists to deal with a specific case from the very beginning not to miss any clinical manifestations when treatment is already needed. The state’s responsibility is to ensure that the status of professional psychologists finally acquires legislative support."