"My St Petersburg University diploma and my speciality have played a major role in my career"
Every year the number of international applicants interested in the degree programmes of St Petersburg University increases. Hundreds of students who have successfully completed their studies are pursuing careers in well-known Russian and international companies.
Necer Edine Ziouani, an Algerian graduate of St Petersburg University’s master's programme Strategic and Arms Control Studies, told us how studying at the University helped him to get a job at the international company and also shared some tips for future University students.
Necer, what opportunities did your master’s degree provide you with after graduation?
My master’s degree provided me with the opportunity to work in my field of study at international intergovernmental organisations and also in the private sector.
What was the major factor in your decision to apply for the master’s programme Strategic and Arms Control Studies?
The main factor that helped me decide to join the programme was the different interesting modules focusing on military strategy, disarmament, and non-proliferation issues.
The Strategic and Arms Control Studies master’s programme was very comprehensive. During my two years of study, I had access to both practical and theoretical courses as well as workshops and conferences that altogether widened my knowledge of military strategy and international arms control.
What was your first impression of the studying process at the University? Did it change afterwards?
The studying process was straightforward, well-planned, and easy to follow. I can gladly say that my two-year experience at St Petersburg University met my expectations.
Were there any memorable projects, courses or events during your studies?
Plenty of them! I had a chance to participate in many projects and attend different events where I met former presidents, diplomats, and renowned experts. I don’t think many universities around the world offer such opportunities.
How would you evaluate the importance of the research skills that the Strategic and Arms Control Studies programme helps students acquire?
The design of the programme creates a balance between theory and practice, and this, in my opinion, helps students stay active and motivated. Over the four semesters of study, we had to work on several research projects and apply our theoretical knowledge in interactive seminars and workshops. This process helps students develop and polish their critical thinking and research skills, and I can personally say that it has helped me – and continues to help me – in my professional carrier.
We know that you found a job related to your field of study. Please tell us more about your current job.
At the moment, I am working in the private sector training first responders to protect themselves and others against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats. Also, my St Petersburg University diploma and my speciality in Strategic and Arms Control Studies have played a major role in my career, given that the programme shaped my expertise in the sphere I am working in.
What inspires you in your work and what would you like to do in the future?
What inspires me in my work is my continuous hunger for learning and self-developing – and the sky is the limit! The future is just beginning for me since I graduated only two years ago. Let’s talk again in 20 years!
In what ways did you personally benefit from studying at St Petersburg University?
St Petersburg University gave me the opportunity to study in an international environment, and this was one of the many factors that attracted me to study at this University.
Could you give some advice to young alumni regarding their future employment?
Be stubborn, never give up, and always ask questions.