It is a blockchain-based solution for remote voting that ensures safety and convenience.
Developed by the St Petersburg University’s Distributed Ledger Technologies Centre, CryptoVeche will ensure safety and transparency in those cases where you aim to reach team decisions: voting in how to develop a project; elections to governing and auditing bodies; or approving a strategic plan.
It is an ideal solution for commercial, public, or municipal organisations; civic chambers; political parties; and anyone who aims to ensure a trusting and secure environment for electronic voting schemes in the most cost-effective and time-saving way.
Electoral fraud is simply impossible. Even if you have an aim, technical capability, or an access to the database, you cannot interfere with the election procedure as to constitute electoral fraud or ballot-shifting.
Timofei Utnasin, Project Manager at the St Petersburg University’s Distributed Ledger Technologies Centre
You can use CryptoVeche as a mobile application or a web-application. To vote, you should submit your application form.