Minutes of the Rector’s Meeting
- Awarding employees of St Petersburg University
- The launch of a branded train to mark the 300th anniversary of St Petersburg University at the St Petersburg Metro
- International activities
- Organisation of the teaching and learning process and related issues
- Encryption of students’ written works during the 2024 summer interim assessment
- Amendments to the Order "On approval of the Model Regulations on the Library Council"
- Cultural events at St Petersburg University during August
- Online exhibition "Vladimir Timofeev: on the occasion of his 140th anniversary scientists"
- Online exhibition "Ivan Meshcherskiy: on the occasion of his 165th anniversary"
- Meetings of the book club of the Vladimir Nabokov Museum at St Petersburg University
- Online exhibition "He lived in people’s joy and pain..."
- Exhibition "Under the united flag"
- Exhibition "On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of Mikhail Zoshchenko"
- Exhibition "A space of shift"
- Online exhibition "Awards of Dmitri Mendeleev"
- Online exhibition "On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Alexey Bystrow, an outstanding specialist in the field of vertebrate palaeontology"
The participants of the Rector’s meeting honoured the memory of Nikita Morozov with a moment of silence. He was an outstanding scientist, a university teacher, Head of the Department of Theory of Elasticity, Honorary Professor of St Petersburg University, and Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Elena Chernova, Deputy Chairperson of the Academic Council of St Petersburg University, informed the meeting participants that the Rector of the University decided to name the Department of Theory of Elasticity, which Nikita Morozov had headed for almost 50 years, after Academician Nikita Morozov. A scholarship for students and a contest for the best graduation project in the field of mechanics, which will be held annually, will have the name of the outstanding University professor. A bust of the outstanding University professor will be installed in one of the University buildings.
1. Awarding employees of St Petersburg University
By Executive Order of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Larisa Golovey, Professor in the Department of Developmental Psychology and Differential Psychology, Honorary Professor of St Petersburg University, has been awarded the honorary title of Honoured Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation for great merits in research, pedagogy, education and for many years of conscientious work.
Elena Kazakova, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy at St Petersburg University, has received the Order for Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd class, for great merits in research, pedagogy, education and for many years of conscientious work. Rashida Orlova, Professor in the Department of Oncology, has been awarded the honorary title "Honoured Physician of the Russian Federation".
By Order of Konstantin Chuychenko, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, Evgenia Zhomnir, Director of the Mediation Centre of St Petersburg University, has been awarded the Silver Medal "For Assistance" for her help in solving the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Justice of Russia.
Nikolay Kuznetsov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Professor in the Department of Applied Cybernetics, has been awarded the RAS Prize for outstanding work in the field of classical mechanics and control theory.
2. The launch of a branded train to mark the 300th anniversary of St Petersburg University at the St Petersburg Metro
A branded train to mark the 300th anniversary of St Petersburg University, the oldest university in Russia, has been launched at the St Petersburg Metro.
The solemn ceremony brought together Nikolay Kropachev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector of St Petersburg University; Alexander Belsky, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St Petersburg; Boris Piotrovsky, Vice Governor of St Petersburg; Andrey Maksimov, Chairman of the St Petersburg Committee on Science and Higher Education; Aleksei Lvov, Senior Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Transport; Evgeny Kozin, Head of the St Petersburg Metro; and Dmitrii Serov, Vice President of the Bank "St Petersburg".
There are only six carriages in the train. The head carriage is an "admissions committee of St Petersburg University" where passengers can get acquainted with all academic programmes and different fields of the University activities. Other carriages of the train are decorated in honour of various fields of study: physics, law, medicine, Asian and African studies, and the arts. For convenience, QR codes have been placed in each carriage, allowing you to access the pages of the St Petersburg University portal to learn more about specific scientific, educational and outreach projects of the University. The branded train will run on the second metro line until the end of 2024, which, by decision of Governor of St Petersburg Alexander Beglov, was announced as the year of St Petersburg University in the Northern Capital of Russia.
3. International activities
The following events were recently held at St Petersburg University.
Event at the St Petersburg University Representative Office in the Kingdom of Spain
On 23 July, St Petersburg University and its Representative Office in the Kingdom of Spain held the online lecture "Modified carbon: how the ocean is saving us from excess carbon dioxide". The lecture was delivered by Polina Lobanova, Associate Professor in the Department of Oceanology at St Petersburg University. On 25 July, there was an online lecture focused on Vladimir Nabokov’s novel Laughter in the Dark. The lecture was delivered by Nina Shcherbak, Associate Professor in the Department of English Philology and Cultural Linguistics of St Petersburg University.
Visit of representatives of St Petersburg University to the State of Libya
From 28 July to 1 August, the delegation of St Petersburg University visited Tripoli, the capital of the State of Libya. Representatives of St Petersburg University together with the staff of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Libya held negotiations with Dr Nasser M Al Abdalgader, Deputy Minister of Education of the State of Libya; Dr Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Futaisi, Director General of the National Council for Economic and Social Development of the Council of Ministers of the State of Libya; and Dr Abdulaziz Ramadan Eshawish, Chairman of the General Authority for Investment Promotion and Privatisation Affairs. Prospects for cooperation in education and science were discussed.
4. Organisation of the teaching and learning process and related issues
Over the past week, 26 enquiries were addressed to the Senior Vice-Rector for Academic Activities. The majority of enquiries relate to preparation of various documents. Students are on holiday. The University will also begin assessment tests for applicants for transfer or reinstatement to St Petersburg University.
5. Encryption of students’ written works during the 2024 summer interim assessment
According to Clause 4.2.16 of the Academic Regulations for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes, Specialist’s Degree Programmes, Master’s Degree Programmes and Programmes of Secondary Vocational Education at St Petersburg State University, approved by Order No 470/1 dated 29 January 2016, following the syllabi of academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) or by a decision of an official authorised by the Rector, it may be established that in order to ensure anonymity when checking students’ written works, data about the students who completed written works may be encrypted.
Taking into account the speech of Irina Novikova, Dean of the School of International Relations, at the Rector’s meeting held on 7 February 2022, following the proposals of the directors and deans of the academic and research subdivisions, from the summer interim assessment of the 2022/2023 academic year, students’ written works on some (selected) disciplines may be encrypted.
During the summer interim assessments of the 2023/2024 academic year, students’ written works were encrypted in accordance with Order No 1579/1r "On the encryption of students" written works completed during the summer interim assessment of the 2023/2024 academic year’ dated 3 April 2024, prepared taking into account the proposals of the directors and deans of the academic and research subdivisions. The encryption work was organised in relation to seven disciplines in three areas.
The results of the tests and exams received by students (average scores) are mainly compared with the results of interim assessment in the relevant disciplines for the previous academic year, when encryption was not used. In four out of seven disciplines, the average score increased, while in three disciplines the average score decreased. It should be noted that the change in the average score, both in the case of an increase and in the case of a decrease, at first glance may seem insignificant, i.e. from 0.11 to 0.94 points. At the same time, we need to understand that for a particular student to get a grade of 2, not 3; or 4, not 5, is significant.
According to Marina Lavrikova, Senior Vice-Rector for Academic Activities at St Petersburg University, academic staff need to pay attention to the issues related to the formation of assessment tools. In future, this practice of encrypting works in some of the disciplines will continue. As Marina Lavrikova reminded, improving the assessment tools and methodological work of academic staff is a necessary condition for improving the quality of education.
Dmitry Gryaznov, Vice-Rector for Security at St Petersburg University, added that a question about the possibility of using signal suppression tools in classrooms during exams was sent to the competent authorities. According to the response received, St Petersburg University has the right to independently decide how and what technical means to use to limit the signals.
6. Amendments to the Order "On approval of the Model Regulations on the Library Council"
In order to increase the efficiency of the library councils of the academic and research subdivisions at St Petersburg University, changes were made to Order No 9011/1 "On approval of the Model Regulations on the Library Council" dated 21 September 2021.
Anastasia Yarmosh, Senior Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Partnership at St Petersburg University, recalled that the University was the first to systematically involve employers not only in the development, but also in the implementation of academic programmes, not just formally on paper, but through an effective system of tools. It includes the participation of business representatives in the work of councils of the academic programme, teaching methodology committees, the development of academic programmes, and teaching modules and individual disciplines to name just a few.
Order No 9011/1 dated 21 September 2021 was updated as part of bringing by-laws in line with the federal agenda: Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation No 145 "On the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation" dated 28 February 2024 stipulated that the business representatives are qualified customers, which allows St Petersburg University to continue to integrate them into improving academic programmes. At this stage, as Anastasia Yarmosh said, they are included in library councils so that their expert opinion and understanding of the requirements for the level of preparing of graduates influence the formation of lists of literature purchased in order to ensure the implementation of academic programmes.
7. Cultural events at St Petersburg University during August
Elena Lebedkina, Head of the Main Department for Exhibitions, Museum, Library and Publishing Activities at St Petersburg University, has presented the digest of cultural events of the University, which will take place in August.
Online exhibition "Vladimir Timofeev: on the occasion of his 140th anniversary scientists"
On 9 August, the online exhibition ‘Vladimir Timofeev: on the occasion of his 140th anniversary’ will open. It is dedicated to the largest researcher of the subsoil of the Karelo-Kola region, a graduate and Professor of St Petersburg University.
Online exhibition "Ivan Meshcherskiy: on the occasion of his 165th anniversary"
On 10 August, the online exhibition "Ivan Meshcherskiy: on the occasion of his 165th anniversary" will open.
Meetings of the book club of the Vladimir Nabokov Museum at St Petersburg University
On 10 August, the Vladimir Nabokov Museum at St Petersburg University, in partnership with the Alexander Pushkin Special Central Children’s Library, will host the fourth meeting of the museum’s book club ‘August. Anglomania’. The fifth meeting of the book club "Brideshead Revisited" by Evelyn Waugh (canonical modern) / "Poets and Gentlemen" by Iulii Iakovlev will be held on 24 August.
Online exhibition "He lived in people’s joy and pain..."
On 12 August, the M Gorky Scientific Library at St Petersburg University will open the online exhibition "He lived with the people’s joy and pain...". It marks the 95th anniversary of Vasily Shukshin. It presents famous works by Vasily Shukshin, collections of stories, film scripts, and literature about his life and work.
Exhibition "Under the united flag"
On 22 August, the exhibition "Under the united flag" opens in the M Gorky Scientific Library at St Petersburg University. It marks the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.
Exhibition "On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of Mikhail Zoshchenko"
On 22 August, the exhibition "On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of Mikhail Zoshchenko" from the series "Famous University staff, students and alumni" will open in the M Gorky Scientific Library at St Petersburg University. The exhibition will include the best works of the writer, biographical essays, and works of famous literary scholars to name just a few.
Exhibition "A space of shift"
On 26 August, Felix Volosenkov’s solo exhibition "A space of shift" will open in the exhibition hall of the Twelve Collegia building, where the artist’s works from the collection of St Petersburg University and new works from the artist’s studio will be presented.
Online exhibition "Awards of Dmitri Mendeleev"
On 29 August, the online exhibition "Awards of Dmitri Mendeleev" will open, which continues the exhibition project dedicated to recognising the merits of the great scientist, whose 190th anniversary is celebrated this year.
Online exhibition "On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Alexey Bystrow, an outstanding specialist in the field of vertebrate palaeontology"
On 30 August, the online exhibition ‘On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Alexey Bystrow, an outstanding specialist in the field of vertebrate palaeontology’ will open.